Look out, 2016!!

Well, I seem to be wrapping up a great year with a terrible week. Our office flooded on Christmas Day, so we have been lucky enough to spend the past few days covered in mud (and who knows what else) while packing boxes and moving things around so that Servepro could start the process of cleaning it all up. It looks like we will be working from home for the next few weeks, which isn't ideal, but better than nothing. I just read through my blog from this time last year, and well...that didn't go as planned! Not necessarily a bad thing! I was feeling a little unsure of where my life was headed while writing that blog. I had hoped writing it would help me find a direction, but my goals weren't very specific, nor were they very important to me, so I just couldn't find my groove. Isn't it funny how you think you know what's happening, but God has other plans? On New Years Day a girl (that I follow because she has a fun life, but I don't really know) ...