A Lesson in Listening

As some of you know, if you saw my Facebook posts a few weeks ago, my sister and her husband have been in the process of selling their house.  They only had about 90 days to do so because they had already found a new house to buy! Yay! However; this was incredibly stressful for them.  We'd been asking everyone we know to pray that they find the right buyer, including Mamaw.  I like to call her "the Prophet Mamaw" in times like these, because whatever she says God tells her is absolutely correct 99% of the time.
Helen had been telling her to pray for weeks about the house situation, then one day, out of the blue, she said "Helen, tell them not to worry about that ol' house.  God told me they were going to sell it."  We all thought, well that's great to know, but we need it to be sold in 90 days!  The clock was ticking!  Another week went by with no progress, and the pressure was really starting to build.
 A couple of weeks later Helen was taking Mamaw some dinner and mentioned that Tara and Adam had someone coming to look at their house.  Helen told her to keep praying because time was running out.  Mamaw sat quietly for a minute or two, and then said "God told me that these people are going to buy that house."
...and Tara and Adam accepted their offer.

To take this a step further, Helen called Mamaw the next morning and said "guess what?" Mamaw replied "I already know they sold the house."  How does she do it!?

I know it's just a house, she didn't cure cancer or anything, but I think Mamaw is an excellent example to all of us that when we pray and talk to God, we need to actually LISTEN and hear what He has to say to us.  So often we are busy and rushed, so we pray and go on about our day, but isn't part of a healthy relationship also being heard?  He has things he wants to say to you too, so take time to listen.

Tara and Adam closed this week with the help of their realtor (and friend) Kingsley Moody! I spent yesterday evening jamming to 2000's Hip Hop Pandora radio while helping Tara unpack and organize her beautiful new kitchen! I am so excited for her and Adam to begin life as neighbors to Jeff and Helen! :)


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