I'd be lying if I said I hadn't been anxiously awaiting this day since I met Matt 3 years and 3 months ago! We had been on one date, actually a 4 hour date at Rio Grande (which has to be some sort of record) when I knew that he was "the one." When we first started dating, and all of my friends and family were asking me about him, as they usually do, I told them all, without hesitation, that we would get married someday. It's so true that when you know, you know! Thank God Kathy Lilly came to my Zumba class and casually mentioned that she had a son close to my age! Then a few of her friends casually hounded me about adding him as a friend on Facebook! ;) I wasn't convinced after he accepted the friend request and I didn't get a message! I told him later that I was slightly offended! After talking to Carolyn at work about it, she said he was probably shy (which I know now that he is...sometimes) and that I needed to quit being a baby and message him...so I did...about the Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia. *smacks forehead* The rest is history!
Fast forward to last week.
Matt asked me on Tuesday if I wanted to go to dinner Thursday night. He has to ask me in advance because I am such a planner that I would have screwed it up if he didn't ask early. So, nothing out of the ordinary. I wanted pizza, but he suggested somewhere that serves steak. I was fine with that, I wanted to use my Outback giftcard anyway! He tried to talk me into somewhere nicer, but I was stuck on using my giftcard. And I just LOVE Outback.
It was such a nice day on Thursday that I wanted to get outside and take Ozzie to the park! I texted Kathy, and off we went! Kathy was oddly quiet during our walk, but I thought that she had just had a long day. When we came back to her house after our walk I knew Matt and I would be out all evening, so I just left Oz at their house.
We went to dinner late because he had a big test, and I was off work Friday. Everything was pretty normal. On our way home, I suggested we pick up Ozzie, then he could take us home. He said he wanted to hang out at my house for awhile before we went to get him. I thought it was weird because he is obsessed with Ozzie and ALWAYS wants to see him, but I went with it.

We pulled into my street and I saw Helen's car parked across the street from my house. I said "What is Helen doing here?" I looked in my window to see the lights off and said "oh, nevermind, that's not her car." I searched my purse and couldn't find my key. I told Matt to use his, and he handed it to me. In typical Helen Jr. fashion I said, "Well don't just stand there, open it!" Just then I heard Oz let out a bark. Before I could even put things together, Matt opened the door and took a step back. I think I almost fainted. I walked in the door and was met with candles and rose petals everywhere. A giant wooden heart with pictures of us was propped up in front of my stairs and "I Think I Wanna Marry You" by Bruno Mars was playing. I just started saying "OMG...OMG...OMG....OMG..." over and over. I turned around and Matt was down on one knee. Ozzie ran in wearing a tuxedo that had the ring attached, which really was the cherry on top! Of course I said YES!
We spent the whole weekend telling our friends and family and celebrating! I cannot thank everyone enough for all of their comments, texts, calls, likes, etc.! We are feeling so overwhelmed by the love and support! Also Matt would like to publicly thank Kathy, Helen, and dad for their help setting everything up to pull off the greatest surprise of my life. I am so nosey that I cannot be surprised, and he said it was extremely difficult to pull this off because I am always snooping around! Oopsie :D
AND since SO MANY of you have texted me asking for a picture of the ring,
eat your heart out, baby! ;)
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