Why These 5 Positive Changes = Positive Outcomes

I am definitely not under some delusion that I have things "figured out" at the ripe ol' age of 26, but I have made some positive changes in my life that have resulted in positive outcomes. It's not always easy, and it takes some time to adjust, since I am only human, but I just want to share what I'm learning!

1. Setting Goals
This has really been the most life altering thing I've done recently.  Set realistic goals, then take it a step further by telling people your goals.  Basically you need to put yourself on blast!  I appreciate my friends and family asking me "where I am" in reaching my goals.  It keeps me in check!  During my evaluation at work my boss asked me what my short-term goal was.  I said "My goal is to be the Loan Specialist for our program by the end of 2015."  In October that happened.  When I joined Younique I had no intention of selling products.  I just wanted to get $125 to stay active and help my friend advance.  This past month I had one day left in the month and was a little over $700 away from Pink Status.  I put my mind to it, told my friends and family that I was going to do it, and with their help I made it!  Now, it's not all sunshine and roses.  Sometimes you fall short, AND THAT'S OKAY.  On my Instagram account, I started November with 4 goals...
1. Run the Thanksgiving 5K in 32 minutes.
2. Drink a gallon of water each day.
3. Workout every morning.
4. Lose 5.8 pounds.
Well, I ran the 5K in 32:10, maybe got my whole gallon down 15 times in the month, worked out about 15-20 mornings in the month, and lost 4.8 pounds.  Was I upset? Not at all. While I fell short of the goals I set, I still made some MAJOR improvements!  Which brings me to....

2. Seeing The Glass Half Full
Perspective is everything.  How you view and process things can make a huge difference in how you react.  Things happen, good or bad.  It's this thing called "life."  Maybe you've heard of it?  Earlier this week I lost my Misfit Shine Fitness Monitor.  I decided to write the company to explain the situation, my fitness journey, and aspirations.  I told them how much I loved their product and how much it has helped me, and asked if they had a similar product that didn't have a removable band.  I received an email back that they would like to replace my lost Shine and give me a new band made to hold it in more securely during fitness activities.  They didn't have to do that at all, but because I approached it positively, they reacted positively.

3. Let It Go, Let It Go...
Couldn't resist the opportunity for the Elsa reference.  Quit holding onto the things that don't bring you happiness; whether its resentment, jealousy, anger, or sadness that is holding you back - get rid of it.  I've found that if I stop and ask myself 2 questions, I can almost always reassess the situation and move on.
1. Am I being affected by this?
2. Can I change it? (You can thank "Justin the Intern" for those wise words!)
If the answer to either of those questions is no, then it's time to release it and move on.

4. Don't Be A Hater (Also one of Justin's favorite things to say!)
You get back what you put out, and I'm not talking about Karma.  I am talking about how you interact with people on a daily basis.  We all have people in our lives that we don't care for.  Guess what?  It's not your job to change them.  It's not your job to correct them.  And it's certainly not your job to try to make them into a person that you do like.  Let them be who they want to be.  If you feel that strongly about disliking them, remove them.  Delete them or unfollow them on social media, and don't hang out with them in social settings.  It's simple really.  Don't make yourself miserable trying to "fix" them because they don't want to be fixed.

5. Take The Opportunity
Say yes!  I mean it!  While I find myself more busy than ever these days, I have found that saying yes has brought back the pep in my step.  Trying new things, meeting new people, and taking risks is what makes life spicy, and if I had to rate my life on a wing sauce scale, it would be at "Blazin'!"

Each time I catch myself saying or doing something where I am reverting back to my old habits, I will say "Just Kidding! The NEW Kellie doesn't care!" or "Nevermind, the NEW Kellie doesn't do that!"  Like I said, I am only human, but I will never stop trying.


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