Today is Tomorrow

On my way to work this morning, I was scanning through radio stations and stopped when I heard "I Am Not Alone" by Kari Jobe.  If you haven't heard it, go listen! It's beautiful!  She's beautiful!  I guess I was distracted this morning because when I "came to" I was listening to the radio DJs chat, and that NEVER happens.
The station was New Life 94.5, and the DJs were Steve and Amy. I won't lie, I had to google that.
Amy was rattling off a list when I started paying attention, and it was something like - "lose weight, read my Bible and pray, spend time with my kids, spend time with my husband" etc.  I quickly figured out that it was a list of things we say that we will do tomorrow, yet it seems like tomorrow never comes.  Soon it becomes days, weeks, months, years, and eventually it's too late.
I needed that.
I've hit a bit of a plateau on the weight loss (don't worry, I don't plan on staying long!) and I've been frustrated with myself for not giving it 100%.  Not frustrated like - I want to quit, but frustrated like - I really miss pizza, cheese fries, and wings.  Last week I slept in 4 different beds between traveling for work, house sitting, and going to a wedding out of town.  While I tried to be conscious of what I was eating, I was out of my element and out of my routine, and I just went cray on the food!  Each day I thought "I will get back on track tomorrow" and before I knew it, Sunday was staring me in the face.  I weigh-in on Wednesday, so I knew it was too late for damage control, but I tried.
This morning when I heard Amy talking about our "tomorrows" it just woke me up.  I am done with tomorrows.  Whether it's weight loss, work, our relationships and friendships, we have to stop waiting for tomorrow.
We discussed setting realistic goals at Weight Watchers today, and talked about how setting an unrealistic goal can make it seem like you failed when you didn't.  I want to give everything I do 100%, 100% of the time, but it's just not realistic, so I am going to reevaluate and set some new, realistic goals.
Amy ended the segment by telling a story about her daughter asking her each day for months "Are we going to Disney World tomorrow?" and finally, on the day they were leaving, her daughter asked "is today tomorrow?" and Amy said it hit her like a ton of bricks when she could finally say "Yes, today is tomorrow!"
I'm going to make this blog sort of interactive, so please participate and don't leave me hangin'!  I want you guys to comment on Facebook or Twitter with some goals and things you have been putting off for tomorrow that you are going to commit to doing today!  I even gave you a list of ideas!  I will start by saying that I am going to get refocused on my weight loss goals, and start cleaning something at home everyday.  I have a bad habit of waiting 2 or 3 weeks, and then having to spend all weekend cleaning to get it back up to par.
Your turn! GO!


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