@Fit2beBride/Wedding-y Things!

It's been a couple of months since I started my @Fit2beBride Instagram account (Fit2beBride), and I think things have been going well!  I have over 200 followers, which isn't amazing, but it's okay! I feel motivated.  I feel like my motivation is motivating others.  Above all it's been really fun-and because it's fun it's helping me to stay interested-and because I'm interested I'm able to succeed!

I've been pretty open and honest with my followers about my lifestyle and progress! I started going to Weight Watchers, which has been really good for me! I was so used to restriction and being hungry that it took a few weeks to figure out that I could "have what I want, but not all I want." I have to admit, a couple of years ago I could have never walked into a WW meeting and admitted defeat. I especially wouldn't have told you all about it! I just don't care anymore! I will do what works for me, and for the first time in a long time I don't feel deprived and starved!  I have gotten some good responses and messages on my page from people interested in trying it, and I think it's definitely worth it for anyone who is struggling. The weight doesn't fall off quickly, but it teaches you portion control, moderation, tracking, and how to maintain a healthy, normal diet.

My page has also helped me to connect with people all over the world. One thing I've found is that whether they're losing weight or body building, it is very clear that NONE of it is easy.  We all struggle with what we should or shouldn't eat, being too tired to workout, and having other priorities that get in the way of our fitness goals.  It's kind of refreshing to get the perspective of a fitness professional, and know these struggles are not just "normal" people stuff.
Changing gears...

THE BIG DAY is less than a year away! EEEEKKKKKKKK! Terribly exciting!!!! I've made a lot of progress on booking and ordering things, and I'm sure that doesn't surprise anyone! My to-do list becomes shorter and shorter each week!  I will say, it is very clear how weddings (and brides) get out of control with spending.  Things you thought might cost $50 actually cost $200, and things you thought would be $2,000 are actually $4,500.  Kind of frustrating, but I suppose it will all be worth it!  I've been asking people on Facebook and Twitter to RSVP to our page to help us win a $30,000 wedding! I know it's a long shot, but why not try?  By the way - It clearly says "up to 300" but when I looked this morning we had 301! I don't know if I'll get that extra RSVP or not, but I want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone that took the time to do that for us!  Matthew and I are so thankful to be surrounded by such wonderful friends and family! Now...we pray! :)

A couple of weeks ago Matt and I went to the beach with his family, as we do every year.  I thought it would be fun to do some pictures on the beach, so I searched Craigslist.com and found a photographer close to Emerald Isle.  I started chatting with her about doing a short engagement session (Matt was thrilled about this!) and decided to go for it! We both ended up having a great time...Matt too! If you're ever in that area, check out Beyond the Rainbow Photography! The photographer is a super sweet military wife (with a super cute little boy)!  I have included her Facebook page and website below.
 Beyond the Rainbow Photography Facebook
Beyond the Rainbow Photography

Here are some of our favorite shots... 



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