What exactly is a Lisben?

I mentioned in a previous post that I wanted to start telling more Mamaw stories in my blog, so why not start today!? (Just to remind you, Mamaw is Helen's mom!)
My Mamaw is a God-fearing woman. She has gone to church throughout her entire life, she knows God's word like the back of her hand, and I swear that woman has some sort of special connection with Him, but we'll get to that in a later post. When I was in high school, we started going to Nitro Church of God with her. She had recently broken her ankle and wrist, so she needed a little extra help getting to and from church. Since she lives right across the street, we just had to hold hands while we crossed, but it made her feel a little special. Nothing wrong with that!
Each Sunday after church she thoroughly enjoys cooking a big lunch for the whole family. Even more, she enjoys spending time with her kids and grandkids. One Sunday, we were sitting around the table eating our fried chicken with all the classic home fixins' when Mamaw pipes up, completely out of the blue, and says, "The other night I watched two "lisbens" going at it on the TV."
We all looked at each other for a few seconds. Lisbens? I said it in my head a couple of times, Lisbens...Lisbens...when it hit me I nearly spit my chicken across the table!  "Lesbians, Mamaw!?" She had the most ornery smirk on her face when she said "YEAH! Lisbens!"
I think I can speak for the entire family when I say we were a little shocked...yet EXTREMELY amused! It's not every day that your 80-something year old grandma admits to watching...well it's still unclear what she was watching. My guess is "The L Word," but we may never know. We couldn't help but tease her a little, asking what she thought of those "lisbens" and so on, but we all were wondering what made her watch in the first place! Once we somewhat contained our laughter Helen asked "Mom, what made you decide to watch 'lisbens' go at it?" Mamaw pushed some mashed potatoes around with her fork, thinking of ways to avoid the question, before replying, "Well, I tried to find it again last night, but I guess it wasn't on!!" Tears streamed down our faces from how hard we were laughing!
I think all the men in the family are scarred for life after the conversation that day! My family still says "lisben" instead of Lesbian if the word should ever come up in conversation. Fewer syllables, easier to say, why not? It's also a fun reminder of my ornery, silly Mamaw! She continues to surprise us every day with what comes out of her mouth, and we wouldn't have it any other way! :)


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