Look out, 2016!!

Well, I seem to be wrapping up a great year with a terrible week. Our office flooded on Christmas Day, so we have been lucky enough to spend the past few days covered in mud (and who knows what else) while packing boxes and moving things around so that Servepro could start the process of cleaning it all up.  It looks like we will be working from home for the next few weeks, which isn't ideal, but better than nothing.

I just read through my blog from this time last year, and well...that didn't go as planned! Not necessarily a bad thing! I was feeling a little unsure of where my life was headed while writing that blog. I had hoped writing it would help me find a direction, but my goals weren't very specific, nor were they very important to me, so I just couldn't find my groove. Isn't it funny how you think you know what's happening, but God has other plans?
On New Years Day a girl (that I follow because she has a fun life, but I don't really know) posted on Instagram about the She Reads Truth app. I thought it was interesting, so I downloaded it and started the "The Bible in a Year" plan. I hadn't really intended on reading the Bible this year because it just seems like such a huge thing to tackle. Well, I made it 25%, then 50%, then 75%, and suddenly it dawned on me-"holy moly. I'm almost finished reading THE WHOLE BIBLE." I cannot explain to you how awesome it has been. My spiritual growth this year has been wonderful because I have been staying in His word each day! I have learned so many things about what I thought I already knew. I strongly encourage everyone to try it!  I know it's called SHE Reads Truth, but c'mon, men AND women can read the Bible. If you get behind a day or even a week, just double up until you are back on track! It only takes about 10 minutes each day, and I made it a part of my bedtime routine. *Wash my face, check my social media, settle into bed, She Reads Truth app, pray, sleep.* Ta-daaa! I plan to start one of the many other plans they have available! We should always delve deeper and continue to grow!
Another thing that quickly changed not just my year, but my entire life, was becoming engaged to Matthew in March! I have been busy, busy, busy picking out flowers, dresses, venues, and about 1,000 other things on the Wedding To-Do List! I love planning, but it's a lot of work! Still totally worth it! Only 170 days away! I also have to brag on Matt for starting his career as an accountant before graduating from WVSU this month! Super proud fiancé moment! Next stop, CPA! Wish him luck! 
Part of the wedding preparation included #sheddingforthewedding, and I've managed to shed almost 50 pounds since March! I love having my @fit2bebride Instagram account for the accountability!
Since everyone asks...
I am doing Weight Watchers.
Yes, I like it.
Yes, I go to the meetings.
No, it doesn't bother me for someone to know my weight at weigh in.
Yes, there is an app.
No, I don't teach Zumba anymore.
Yes, I miss it, but I still take classes.
Yes, I still workout at Snap Fitness.
Yes, I still run here and there, but not a lot.
No, I don't do "ItWorks" or any shakes.
I think that's all of the usual questions! If you have another question I didn't answer, please feel free to ask! I am happy to help anyone on their health/fitness journey!
After working as an intern at USDA RD for awhile, I was hired as a regular employee. I knew I wanted to move up in the agency quickly, and I had to put in the work to do so, but it was starting to seem as if it would never happen.  Then the stars aligned! Several people retired opening up spot after spot, but my eye was on the Water and Waste program Specialist position.  In October that position finally became mine! Soon after I earned the promotion, my boss was offered a position at another agency, and my lifeline walked out the door! While I'm completely capable of performing the job well, it was nice to know I had backup! It was time to sink or swim, and y'all know I don't sink!! It's been about 2 months, and I am still thoroughly enjoying my new position! Everyday is an adventure!
I also picked up another job as a Younique Independent Presenter! Although it doesn't feel like a job, so I like to call it my "fun job" where I make my "fun money!" Actually, it's wedding money! I won't lie, wedding planning is crazy expensive, and we all know I'm not a "DIY/country" kinda gal. I needed to make some wedding money...and fast! I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I'm really kicking myself for not signing up a year ago when I first tried, and loved, their products. I am a bit of a snob when it comes to products. I like high quality stuff, and I know the importance of paying attention to what we put in our bodies, even through our skin! That's why Younique's naturally based, cruelty free products are so great! I love Facebook, I love Younique make-up, and I love meeting new people, so why would I not take the opportunity to start my own business for $99? And you know what? - I have so many gorgeous friends (who love makeup), and post gorgeous selfies, but they haven't jumped on this opportunity! We have so much fun, and I know they would love it, so I'm absolutely dying for them to come over to the dark side! *insert Darth Vader breathing.*
So enough about 2015! I'm excited to bring on 2016! I got a fancy, new Corie Clark planner for Christmas, and I can't wait to break that puppy in! It will come in handy with work, workouts, wedding planning, Younique parties, and plenty of other things! 
2016 Goals
1. Enjoy the ride of planning a wedding and being married.
2. Continue my health and fitness journey, even after the wedding.
3. Work on keeping my tiny townhome decluttered. (I need to prepare for when I have to share it with Matt! Eek! It's been a LONG time since I've lived with another person!)
4. Teach Ozzie some manners. -_-
5. Continue She Reads Truth plans.
6. Be conscious of my spending and work on saving money. 
7. Work hard and earn raises in my new position. 
Of course I want to know some of your goals for 2016!! Try to pick one for each of these 6 categories! I think it's nice to set goals that will improve your WHOLE self!  Happy New Year, everyone! I hope it's the best yet!


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