Don't Sweat the Small Stuff
Now, onto what this blog post is really all about!
This weekend was extremely eye-opening for me. I think I had a little "come to Jesus" moment. I have always been a little full of myself, and y'all know I absolutely love attention. Lately, I feel like it is getting a little out of hand, and is becoming a problem. Not so much for other people, but for me. I very rarely act on my feelings when it comes to this kind of thing, but it eats me alive inside.
Okay, what am I talking about?
This is just an example - I like to make memes and funny things to post on my @Fit2beBride Instagram account, and I make sure to put my little Instagram name at the bottom. When I am scrolling though my timeline and notice that other people use them, but cut off my name at the bottom, I get realllllly irritated. Another example - I recently had an issue (which I will not discuss because it is silly) but the bottom line is that I was angry because someone tried to take credit for my idea. The kicker is that the majority of these things that make me mad, are things that don't matter. At all. I think I have an issue with not receiving credit for things I do. Lack of humility. Vanity. I'm not sure what exactly to call it, but I have to find a way to resolve it.
On the flip side, I have absolutely no problem giving credit where credit is due. I will tell someone who is losing weight how great they look. I will tell someone with great hair and make-up that they are gorgeous. I will tell someone with an awesome wardrobe that they are fabulous. I will tell someone with a great idea that they are so creative and smart. In fact, I love encouraging other people and making them feel proud of their accomplishments and talents. I draw inspiration from those people, BUT I will not "copy" them. I think this is where my issue comes into play.
I just don't like to feel like other people are doing exactly what I do. What I do makes me me, and what you do makes you you. You can say to me all day that "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery," and that will not make any difference to me. BUT hopefully, it will. I am trying really hard to be forgiving and take these things more as a compliment, but it is just really hard for me.
I am really hoping this blog post doesn't make me sound like a brat, but this is the most honest way I can communicate how I feel. I am hoping that if someone reading is struggling with something similar in any aspect of their life, this post might help.
I am just feeling extremely thankful for my family, my friends, my Fiance, my new family, and just all of the wonderful people and things God has given me that I don't deserve. I think that taking a step back and seeing the bigger picture will make these next 9 months of wedding planning extremely fun...and who knows, we just might live #HappLillyEverAfter ;)
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