My Favorite Beauty Products: Second Edition

It's been one whole year since my last post about My Favorite Beauty Products, and as I mentioned in that post, my routine is ever-changing.  Yours should be too!  If you've been wearing the same lip color and eyeshadow since 1999, it's time for a change, girl!
My friends are just as obsessed with make-up as I am, and we are constantly exchanging tips or recommendations for products we like, which is super fun...and expensive!  I will tell you, I'm frugal when it comes to a lot of things, and I get that from my dad, but make-up is not one of those things.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to pay $50 for a tube of lipstick, but if I really like a product, I will shell out the cash for it.  So, fair warning, some of these products might be pricey, but I wouldn't recommend them unless I thought they were totally worth it!

Younique Glorious Primer
This product is great for smoothing out your face before applying any make-up.  It just takes a tiny pea size amount to cover your whole face.  I feel like my make-up stays put all day and I get a better look overall when I use this product.

Younique Pigments
Younique has tons of colors in pigments, both shimmer and matte.  They last FOREVER because it takes just a tiny little dash of pigment to do both eyes.  I have tried Mac pigments, and I will tell you that these are extremely similar, and much cheaper.
$12.50 ea, or a set of 4 for $45.

Sephora Outrageous Curl
I know everyone is into the Younique 3D Fiber Lashes, but I just don't like them.  I've tried to like them, but I can't! I don't like the way they feel or look, and my eyes itch like crazy.  I just can't.  BUT, my friend, Megan, suggested this product and I love it!  The wand is the best part because it is tiny, so it's very precise.  Also it still holds a good amount of mascara, so you get the thickness and coverage you want!

Younique Lip Liner Pencils
I only have three of the colors, but I want them all! They just offer some really great shades!  They stay put for several hours and don't dry out my lips! Overall, I think it's a quality product!
$15 ea, or $40 for a set of 3
Bare Minerals Marvelous Moxie Lipstick
This is my everyday lipstick now.  I got a sample in my Ipsy bag and fell in love.  It doesn't last as long as I would like for it to, but my lips don't dry out and peel like some other lipsticks will cause them to do.  They also have some really great shades.
Urban Decay Naked on the Run
Matthew got me this for Christmas, and I think I have used it every single day since! It's perfect! I love Urban Decay's products.  Definitely my favorite brand of make-up.  I wrote about this eyeliner in my blog last year, and I still use it.  I love that all of the colors are great neutral shades, so if you are traveling, you can just grab this and you are set!  It truly is the perfect on-the-go palette.
$54 (and tottttalllly worth it)
Redken Extreme Anti-Snap
I've been really working on growing out my hair and keeping it super healthy (so that it looks amazeballs for the wedding next year!)  I can definitely see a difference since using this! I apply it to just my ends right before I dry my hair, and it helps with split-ends and breakage.
If you don't know where to find any of these products or you want some more information, just ask! I will be happy to hook you up with my people! Again, I want to know some of your favorites, so comment and talk make-up with me! I LOVE sharing tips and tricks!


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