Have I mentioned that I have the best dad in the world?
Have you ever had THE most fabulous idea, then once you get started you can't help but think "Oh no, what have I done?" The worst part is that as you try to remedy the situation, you just seem to make things worse! Yeah, well, I had one of those ideas!
Poor Jeff...

So, I called up the best handyman I know, Jeffé, and we got to work on painting the wood! We made it about half way through the first wall before I started to seriously second guess my decision. We decided to paint the rest and see what I thought once it was finished. Well from far away it looked like this...
I know what you're thinking, not so bad, right? Wrong. This is what it looked like up close.
Gross. I decided that I needed to sleep on it, as you should always do before making any big decision. The next morning as I was leaving for work, I walked downstairs and saw this...
I had that instant "yuck" feeling! So, I called Jeffé up, again, and told him that we were going to Plan B, which was to pull off the siding and patch the nail holes. Simple enough, right? Nope, nope. Can't be that easy. I came home from work and started prying off the pieces to discover that the siding wasn't nailed on, but glued on. Yeah...glued. Not a little glue, A LOT of glue.
The people who put the paneling on the wall were very disgruntled employees. However; they did leave some fun graffiti for us to read! This wall reads "This place sucks!" The rest aren't appropriate. This blog is PG-13!
Plan C! We thought that we could possibly chip off the glue and sand it down, then patch the holes. After hours of work we did a trial patch--epic fail. It was time for us to call in the big guns! Unfortunately they weren't available so we had to settle for Adam, Andy, and Matt! ;)
We really had to put on the ol' thinking caps for this. We finally decided that the best plan of action, Plan D, was to cover the old drywall with quarter inch drywall...AND IT WORKED. Thank the Lord!
After a lot of hard work and a very long day, things were finally coming together! The next three days were spent mudding, sanding, priming, and painting! And my walls are FINALLY just the way I want them!

And now for my shameless plug! I am SOOOOO close to meeting my goal with my party, so if you need anything, anything at all, you should probbbbbbably order it today by clicking the link that I conveniently added. Just sayin' ;)
Ozzie says hi! :)
Your pink table is EVERYTHING. I am obsessed.
ReplyDeletealso you should trip the Flip or Flop show, too. Peyton and I spent 11 hours one Saturday watching it- without moving except pee breaks.
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