The Roaring Twenties!

My 20s have been fabulous thus far, but my 25th birthday is fast approaching, and I am realizing there are some things I want to accomplish before I turn a quarter of a century old! Not that I think age matters because you can do whatever you want to do at any age, but I think it's healthy to have goals!  I also want to challenge myself to step outside of the box and do some things I never thought I would do! I am blogging it because you all have to hold me accountable!  Help me, encourage me, and above all, don't let me chicken out!  So, without further ado, my "25 before 25" list! I promise I can count, I have just omitted some that are more personal. ;)

1. Run a 5k - I've done several and even placed in one!
2. Run a 10k
3. Run a half marathon - October 4th I will be running in the 17th Annual Beckley Half Marathon!
4. Compete in a pageant - This is something that I've always wanted to do, but never had the guts to do it!
6. Clean out and decorate spare room - The room is cleaned out, but the decorating process hasn't started!
7. Go to a professional game - Matt and I went to the Penguins hockey game as well as a Braves baseball game.
8. Try new exercise classes - Megan and I went to a TRX class in Charleston, and decided to keep it up! We still can't figure out how a 30 minute class could make us SO SORE! Clearly a great workout!
10. Have a yard sale - After cleaning out the spare room, I am left with tons of stuff I don't need! If it doesn't sell, off to Goodwill it goes! 
11. Go camping - I have never in my entire life spent the night outside. I should definitely go camping!
12. Have a new first with Matt - We've been together for about 2.5 years and sometimes it seems like we do the same things over and over, so it's nice to branch out. We went on our first trip together to Columbus a few months ago and had a blast (even if I did have the stomach virus!)
13. Go to Camden Park - I've never been, and Matt thinks it's something I should do.
14. Do a handstand - When I was cheering this was second nature! Now, it's nearly impossible! 
15. Watch 3 classic movies I haven't seen - I haven't seen A LOT of the "classics" and it drives Matt insane! I have to watch some, and I suppose I'll let him choose!
16. Read more
17. Get a tan - Casper the friendliest ghost will be no more!
18. Travel
19. Volunteer
20. Workout on the beach - I will be training for my half marathon while we're at the beach in August, so I will have to keep up with my schedule!
21. Sing in public alone - I've done karaoke, but always with a friend!
22. Buy a car - A few months ago I purchased a brand new 2015 Mazda CX-5. I'd been looking at SUVs for about a year, and when I finally went car shopping, they had the exact car I had been wanting right there in front of me. I took it as a sign!
23. Teach Ozzie new tricks - He can speak and twirl, but he cowers and hides when I say "sit" for some reason! We will conquer this!
24. Host game night - I LOVE GAMES. I bought a coffee table with stools that fit under it just for game nights and haven't been able to use it yet!
25. Do a photo shoot - The closest I've ever been to this is school pictures!

I have a lot of work to do on my list, but I am already making plans! As you read, I have already accomplished a few goals, but I will blog more about that in October! Let's see how many more I can mark off the list by then! :)



  1. If you do host a game night, you should host a Golden Girls drinking game! OR a friends trivia game :)


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