My Running Peeves

1. Those people who hop around at the starting line and
stretch their necks side to side as if they are about to exert some major
energy. The gun sounds and they take off
in a...brisk walk.
2. Those people who take off as fast as they can go after
the gun sounds...that you pass at .25 miles as they are staggering around,
gasping for air with their hands on top of their heads.
3. Those people who
wear silly sunglasses or hats, tutus, and tall socks. I just think they are only appropriate for
"fun runs." (Dirty Girl, Color Run, etc.) All of that stuff would get on my nerves and
distract from the race!
4. Those people who
have run the race before and like to hand out advice at the starting line about
what we are about to encounter on our run.
Also, the people who like to tell you what stretches you should be doing
or how you should warm-up. Mind your own
biznazz, dude!
5. Those people who
stand at the starting line and say things like "I can't believe you talked
me into this, Marge! hehehehe" or "I hope someone knows CPR!" or
"If I collapse, someone call 911!"
Each time I want to say, "HAHAHA - Haven't heard that one before!"
*abruptly stops smiling and laughing* -_-.
6. And then there are THOSE PEOPLE. The people I like to call
"Ralkers." These people frustrate me more than any of the
others. The "Ralker" is a
person who is clearly out of shape, not ready for a 5k, but wants to do it
anyways...and win. They walk until they
can hear your steps creeping up behind them, and just as you think you're about
to pass them, BAM! They take off in a sprint!
After about 60 seconds of running they slow to a walk again, but you'll
always see them peek over their shoulder to gage how close you are. It never fails; I always seem to be behind a
Ralker at some point in each race. I am
never competitive in my races - until I encounter a Ralker. I just can't stand it if they beat me that

After the race I
gave her a high five and congratulated her, but apparently it wasn't enough to
make up for my bad race karma. Now, I
have planter’s fasciitis. Oh well, the
bottom line is that I finished, I didn't walk, and I really did give it my all! I guess there are always going to be "those people" no matter what you do, but from now on I will try to ignore them and concentrate on running MY race.
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