Helen's Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe
Hahaha you really thought I was giving away that little golden nugget of info!? I know that all of you who clicked on the link won't admit that I got you, but you know I did!
I know, I need to get a life....Anywho, now that you're here, you might as well keep reading! ;)
I like to walk around the room while I am teaching Zumba. Sometimes I just like to show everyone that they know the dance and can do it without me. Sometimes it's because I've done the song so many times that I just can't bring myself to do it anymore. Sometimes it's because I'm hot and need to walk by the fan in the back. And then sometimes - I just like to mess with people. Thursday night I walked to the back of the room where Helen stands (even though she's been coming to Zumba for almost 4 years and could do it blindfolded) to mess with her. I stood beside her and watched in the mirror as we moved EXACTLY the same way. Each step, each shake, and each shimmy was identical. For the first time, I saw what everyone else has been seeing, and telling me, for all these years. I...am...Helen.
I am realizing it more each day. A few weeks ago we went to see the movie "Jersey Boys." Helen actually saw them in concert at the Charleston Civic Center twice while she was in high school, and I saw the Broadway show while I was in high school. In typical Kellie fashion, I quickly developed an obsession with Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons. This was really exciting for Helen. We have always had the same taste in music, and we especially love the "oldies, but goodies." When I was a junior in high school, Helen checked me out of school to go watch one of Tara's softball games in Fairmont. On the way back we heard "December, 1963" on the radio and decided we had to stop at the Meadowbrook Mall to purchase their greatest hits CD. We listened to it on repeat the entire way home. I know it doesn't seem that spectacular, but it was a really, REALLY fun day. SO, needless to say, we loved the movie! It's nice to find something that you and your mom both love. This is especially easy for me because Helen and I love a lot of the same things. As much as I try to deviate, I always end up right back in her footsteps.
I think we all go through that phase where our moms don't know what they're talking about, and they're so annoying, and you can't believe she'd go out in public wearing THAT, and she just doesn't get it! Then we go off to college and something magical happens. Suddenly you realize your mom is smart, and cool, and fun, and she tottttallllyyy gets it! It wasn't until my freshman year at Marshall that I realized just how much I needed my mom! Helen didn't baby us, and she always made us do things on our own. We made our own snacks, packed our own bags, did our homework without being asked, etc. Even though we knew how to do things, sometimes it's just nice when your mom does it, especially when you're on your own. You miss the little things like when we were sick, Helen would always make a trip to Video Madness and Dairy Queen when she went to pick up our medicine at Fruth. Since I moved out, I don't get to see or spend as much time with Helen, but we still talk everyday and manage to find some time to do our favorite fun things together!
I love baking and cooking with Helen. I thought since I had my fun with the cookie recipe earlier, I should at least mention them. I have indeed mastered the Helen Lewis chocolate chip cookies. Not to brag, but I got it on the first try. It's in the genes! Although I should be able to do it with one hand tied behind my back after having been her sous chef for all these years! I've come a long way since the days of sitting on the counter watching her bake, while begging to lick the butter wrappers. Yes, I said butter wrappers. I know, so gross now, but delicious at the time!
I love shopping with Helen. We can always count on each other to be brutally honest. We have completely different ideas of what looks good and is in style, but we've learned that if it's not a train wreck, just go with it! Helen can sniff out a deal better than anybody I know! Our number one rule of shopping: Never pay full price. (And we came up with that before Marshall's!)
I love sewing with Helen. Well, actually Helen likes to sew, I like to design. I just didn't want to mess up the flow I have going. When we put our heads together, we come up with some great stuff! I will draw something up and show it to her, which always leads to a JoAnn Fabrics trip to find a similar pattern. We will modify the pattern, and then begins the search for the perfect fabric. This is the only part where we usually don't agree, but it always comes out just right. She's made countless outfits for me, including my prom dress! I don't know how she does it, but she's a wiz with that sewing machine!
I love to exercise with Helen. Helen loves Step and Tone with Gilad. She has done this same exact workout on a regular basis since I was in pre-school. I thought it was hilarious that we worked out on "the isle of poopoocare." I laughed and joked with Helen about them caring for our poo every single time. (I was little, give me a break!) I loved going to Helen's aerobics class when she was an instructor, yet another thing we have in common. I would slap on my leotard, grab my barbie water bottle, and off we went! Just like a couple of Denise Austins! Now, Helen is a regular at Zumba. She has given up the leotard, but she still rocks a sweatband on her forehead!

I love singing and dancing with Helen. Whether it's Reba McEntire or LMFAO, Helen will give the lyrics a shot and come up with some killer moves. Helen does this thing we call "microwave dancing." She can't just stand there or walk away until whatever she is cooking is done. She has to watch it while she does the pony, or the mashes the potato, or does the twist, or vogues, or whatever dance she's feeling that day. I catch myself doing that all the time now. It's ridiculous.
I love backseat driving with Helen. Helen and I are both terrible drivers. (If you remember from my previous blog, this is where her phrase "slingin' em around like sausages" comes from.) We both tailgate, which is especially bad because we have the attention spans of gnats! However, when we are riding with other people, we are expert drivers and navigators! We always know the best route and when to "STOP" and "GO!" Poor dad...and Matt.
I know, I need to get a life....Anywho, now that you're here, you might as well keep reading! ;)
I like to walk around the room while I am teaching Zumba. Sometimes I just like to show everyone that they know the dance and can do it without me. Sometimes it's because I've done the song so many times that I just can't bring myself to do it anymore. Sometimes it's because I'm hot and need to walk by the fan in the back. And then sometimes - I just like to mess with people. Thursday night I walked to the back of the room where Helen stands (even though she's been coming to Zumba for almost 4 years and could do it blindfolded) to mess with her. I stood beside her and watched in the mirror as we moved EXACTLY the same way. Each step, each shake, and each shimmy was identical. For the first time, I saw what everyone else has been seeing, and telling me, for all these years. I...am...Helen.
I am realizing it more each day. A few weeks ago we went to see the movie "Jersey Boys." Helen actually saw them in concert at the Charleston Civic Center twice while she was in high school, and I saw the Broadway show while I was in high school. In typical Kellie fashion, I quickly developed an obsession with Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons. This was really exciting for Helen. We have always had the same taste in music, and we especially love the "oldies, but goodies." When I was a junior in high school, Helen checked me out of school to go watch one of Tara's softball games in Fairmont. On the way back we heard "December, 1963" on the radio and decided we had to stop at the Meadowbrook Mall to purchase their greatest hits CD. We listened to it on repeat the entire way home. I know it doesn't seem that spectacular, but it was a really, REALLY fun day. SO, needless to say, we loved the movie! It's nice to find something that you and your mom both love. This is especially easy for me because Helen and I love a lot of the same things. As much as I try to deviate, I always end up right back in her footsteps.
I think we all go through that phase where our moms don't know what they're talking about, and they're so annoying, and you can't believe she'd go out in public wearing THAT, and she just doesn't get it! Then we go off to college and something magical happens. Suddenly you realize your mom is smart, and cool, and fun, and she tottttallllyyy gets it! It wasn't until my freshman year at Marshall that I realized just how much I needed my mom! Helen didn't baby us, and she always made us do things on our own. We made our own snacks, packed our own bags, did our homework without being asked, etc. Even though we knew how to do things, sometimes it's just nice when your mom does it, especially when you're on your own. You miss the little things like when we were sick, Helen would always make a trip to Video Madness and Dairy Queen when she went to pick up our medicine at Fruth. Since I moved out, I don't get to see or spend as much time with Helen, but we still talk everyday and manage to find some time to do our favorite fun things together!

I love shopping with Helen. We can always count on each other to be brutally honest. We have completely different ideas of what looks good and is in style, but we've learned that if it's not a train wreck, just go with it! Helen can sniff out a deal better than anybody I know! Our number one rule of shopping: Never pay full price. (And we came up with that before Marshall's!)

I love to exercise with Helen. Helen loves Step and Tone with Gilad. She has done this same exact workout on a regular basis since I was in pre-school. I thought it was hilarious that we worked out on "the isle of poopoocare." I laughed and joked with Helen about them caring for our poo every single time. (I was little, give me a break!) I loved going to Helen's aerobics class when she was an instructor, yet another thing we have in common. I would slap on my leotard, grab my barbie water bottle, and off we went! Just like a couple of Denise Austins! Now, Helen is a regular at Zumba. She has given up the leotard, but she still rocks a sweatband on her forehead!

I love singing and dancing with Helen. Whether it's Reba McEntire or LMFAO, Helen will give the lyrics a shot and come up with some killer moves. Helen does this thing we call "microwave dancing." She can't just stand there or walk away until whatever she is cooking is done. She has to watch it while she does the pony, or the mashes the potato, or does the twist, or vogues, or whatever dance she's feeling that day. I catch myself doing that all the time now. It's ridiculous.
I love backseat driving with Helen. Helen and I are both terrible drivers. (If you remember from my previous blog, this is where her phrase "slingin' em around like sausages" comes from.) We both tailgate, which is especially bad because we have the attention spans of gnats! However, when we are riding with other people, we are expert drivers and navigators! We always know the best route and when to "STOP" and "GO!" Poor dad...and Matt.
I love spending time with Helen, period. Yes, it's hilarious and I always come out with a new word or phrase that is completely ridiculous, but there is nobody else like your mom! I think it's nice to appreciate all they do for us! Not just on Mother's Day or their birthday, but every single day. I love you, Helen! :)
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