The Helen Dictionary: Volume Deux

After my Helen Dictionary post, I received a few more Helenisms from some different people.  Needless to say, I feel that a part 2 is completely necessary!

Crank up onto - Crochet, pronounced "Crotch-it"
Ex.  Don't start the movie yet! I have to get my blanket to crank up onto.

Wicker Wacker - Male anatomy.
Once again, I don't think an explanation is necessary.

War Paint - Make-up.
Ex.  I'm not ready!  I haven't even put my war paint on!

Boobs - Bra.
Ex.  I took my boobs off and hung them on the doorknob.

Easy Britches - Sweat pants.
Ex. Go put your easy britches on and come watch this with me!

These are some common phrases that Helen often uses or says incorrectly.

Growing up, I cannot tell you how many times Helen told Tara and I that we were "sucking the life right out of her."

The correct expression is "Hawk eyes and rabbit ears," but Helen always says "Hawk ears and rabbit eyes."

You never have an attitude problem, you have an "attitudinal problem."

"Suck it up" commonly would mean to deal with something, but Helen says (often during WVU games) "They're sucking it up out there!" meaning they aren't playing well.

I'm sure there will be a part III.  Helen is coming up with new ones each and every day!


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