Just A Typical Day with Helen. Part II.

I LOVE my dog, Ozzie, an unreasonable amount.  More than most humans.  I mean it.  I would take a bullet for Oz over almost everyone I know, except maybe like 15 people.  Sorry if you're not one of them.  Because I am so obsessed with him, I completely overindulge him.  He is so spoiled that I need a new word for it.  He gets special treats and food.  He sleeps in bed, under the covers, with his head on his own pillow.  He goes for at least 3 walks a day.  I come home from work at lunch time everyday to check on him.  The list goes on and on.  Recently, I have had several meetings scheduled on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I have convinced Helen and Jeff to go pick him up on those days and I pick him up from their house after Zumba.  It is ridiculous, I know.
Since he spends at least 2 days a week with his grandparents, he has grown pretty fond of them, as well as cousin Yogie.  As soon as we pull into Null Addition, my old stomping grounds, he FREAKS OUT.  Thank goodness there is never any oncoming traffic because he would cause me to run them over for sure.  It's pretty hilarious to see his reaction.  So when I come, I typically call Helen and Jeff so they can come outside.  Also because Ozzie has the OMG-pees, which is when he is so overcome with emotion that he has to pee.  Helen likes to call this "squirting like a pee pee train."  I have no idea, and you should know by now that I don't pretend to understand her unique vocabulary...  Anyways.
I was leaving for vacation a couple of weeks ago, and had to take Ozzie to his grandparents house, so they could puppy sit for the week.  I called Helen as I was pulling into Null Addition, as I usually do, and this is how the conversation went.

Me - Hey, we're almost there, come outside.
Helen - Okay! I'll be right out.
Me - Okay, bye.

I round the turn and notice that her car isn't in the driveway.  I assumed dad had taken her car somewhere, but she wasn't outside.  As I'm getting out of the car, I get a call back.

Helen - Where are you?
Me - At your house. (She knew I was coming to drop off Oz.)
Helen - OH! I'm at Home Depot!
Me - You're standing outside of Home Depot waiting for Ozzie?
Helen - Oh, shut up, I'll be home soon!

Just another day in the life... :)


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