Just a Typical Day with Helen

After working and eating lunch in Cross Lanes for over 5 years, I've grown pretty tired of most of the restaurants.  Also, I am a "you screw up my food, I kill your family" kind of girl, so many restaurants just aren't up the the Kellie standards anymore.  I always LOVE La Roca, and I can tolerate a few others, but I really, really love the buffalo chicken salad at Buffalo Wild Wings.  So, when Helen gets a wild hair and decides to come meet me for lunch, sometimes we like to go there.  Now, we have been there several times before this incident, so she should definitely know better.

We walk in BW3s and are greeted by the host, wearing his Buffalo Wild Wings football jersey uniform, as they always do.  Helen, a devout Buffalo High School fan, shouts out, "Look, Kellie, Buffalo!"  I turned around and gave her the "Really, Helen?" look.  She put her hands on her hips and said, "Ugh, Kellie, I know it's the professional team.  I'm not stupid!"  The host shook his head and lead us to our table.  He was probably giving me kudos in his head for taking the crazy lady out to lunch.  If that wasn't enough, Helen apparently thought that she hadn't sufficiently embarrassed me for the day, so she spilled my entire glass of water in my lap...and then laughed. -_-


  1. Thank you, God, that my daughters don't have a blog to tell every stupid thing I do -- but keep it up Kellie -- you continue to entertain...


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