Everyone should blog.

I really am on the blogging bandwagon these days!  I love it!  Especially now that I'm not in school, and not writing papers all the time!  Now that I think about it, school takes the fun out of writing and reading period.  It's just not so fun to read books that someone else picks out for you and write papers about economics and business strategy.  Since I graduated, I've been a literary machine!  Do you have the Audible App?  Get the Audible App!  I LOVEEEE the Audible App!  I listen to books in my car, in the bathtub, while I clean.  It's fabulous!
I really wish more people would give blogging a chance!  There are so many things to blog about!  It doesn't have to be like a journal where you tell what you did that day or about your life.  I like to share my childhood stories with everyone, but it doesn't have to be about your life.  You can blog about cooking and recipes, heath and fitness, your hobby, your pet, anything!  While I think it's fun to tell everyone about Helen, I also like knowing that they are typed out and saved so that I won't forget the stories!  Someday my children and grandchildren and great grandchildren will read all about the wonder that is Helen! :)

By the way, I entered my dog, Ozzie, in WSAZ's Cutest Pet Contest. So go vote for him! Every single day! :)


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