
I'd be lying if I didn't say that I’ve fantasized about what it would be like to live in that world. Wouldn't it be incredible to run a multi-million dollar company from the comfort of my home with my husband by my side leading the charge? Wouldn't it be fun to spend weeks in a gorgeous resort where my EGOT-winning husband writes and performs a jingle about my headband for my Instagram story everyday? What if my husband thought so highly of me and my talent that he wrote a movie and cast me as the lead role, for which I win awards while he sits in the audience glowing with pride? I'm not making any of that up - those are all real life scenarios for the people I listed. Sometimes it was really hard to look at the hand we were dealt and not feel a slight tinge of jealousy.

I think every couple probably has a major life event that either makes them or breaks them, and cancer was definitely (one of) ours. I'm not a relationship expert by any means, but I do know that walking together through undoubtedly the most challenging, miserable, emotionally painful experience we've ever encountered has made us better people, both individually and as a couple. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't easy. It was hard work. There were a lot of snippy comments and times we were forced to bite our tongues. We apologized when we didn't want to and let things go before we were ready. In one way it feels like we've been married 100 years, but it also feels like we are newlyweds. Yes, we were robbed of those first couple of fun, care-free years of marriage, but we have so many more ahead. Honestly, in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter. Time, money, things - all insignificant. None of that is what makes you #couplesgoals. Who else would you rather weather the storm with? Who else would you rather celebrate with? If there isn't anyone else on the planet that you'd rather do life with, then pat yourself on the back because you are #couplesgoals.

xo- Kellie
Images by: BEK Photography
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