Bombs Away!

If you know me at all, you know I have a bit of an obsession with bath bombs. There is nothing better than a hot bath with candles and music to wrap up a long day, but when you add a bath bomb into the mix, it's next level! They smell amazing, make the water into a work of art, and leave your skin feeling like a newborn baby seal - I admit, I don't know what that feels like, but I imagine it is super freaking soft. My point is, I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S NOT TO LOVE? And before you start in on me with the "sitting in your own filth" nonsense - exactly what do you do all day that makes you THAT dirty? Unless you're a pig wrestler, that's just silly. Besides, baths are approximately 80% enjoyment and 20% cleanliness.
I digress. I love sharing my favorite bombs on my IG stories, and when I do my inbox fills up with the same question - "Hey! Where do you get your bath bombs?"
I will reveal my sources in a moment, but first, I need to tell you guys something important. As I mentioned above, these bombs transform your boring ol' tub of water into a work of art. You must respect the bomb. You do that by delicately placing it in the water, and holding it at the surface to see the beautiful rainbow of colors flow out. That is what makes the mesmerizing, swirly, IG-worthy shot. If you just plop them in the water it ruins the whole aesthetic, okay!?

Step 1: Light some candles
Step 2: Turn on your favorite music. I said favorite, so if bath time with Beyonce and the Jo Bros (if you haven't heard, they're back) is what you need, go for it. It doesn't need to be something they play in your heated flow class!
Step 3: Throw on a face mask. These are my favorite face masks!
Step 4: Pour yourself a nice glass of wine, or water, or Blue Moon, or Nesquik, or Diet Coke, or whatever beverage it is that makes bath time the tops.
Step 5: Turn off the lights (unless you're like me and feel the need to IG your bomb!)
Step 6: If you are a parent, or you live with the kind of people who don't respect bath time and barge in the bathroom unannounced - notify everyone that self-care time is about to commence, shut the door, and LOCK it.
Okay, now for the fun stuff. Bring on the bombs!
What makes a bomb THE bomb, you ask? I score them based on... No, I'm totally kidding, there is no scoring...yet. *makes note in phone* I like bombs that smell good, don't irritate my skin, float, foam, and put on a beautiful show of colors. The following links are to some bombs that do just that!

First, LUSH, or as I like to call it "ol' faithful." These will never let you down! Intergalactic and The Experimenter are two of my favorites, but truth be told, I love them all. They have some cute bunnies and eggs right now if you want to snag some for upcoming Easter baskets!
Bomb Cosmetics

Marvelous Soap
I stumbled upon Marvelous Soap on Instagram, and ended up winning a contest where I received a whole box of products. I love all of them so much that I couldn't possibly make a list and not include them! Be sure to check out their other bubble bars and soaps as well!

Luxury Wellness - Enter the code FABULOUS15 for 15% off your order! (Thank you for the code, Josie! )
xo- Kellie
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