
When I joined Younique I really had no intention of actually working the business.  I wanted the kit, the discount, and to maybe help my friends a little bit here and there when I needed product refills.  My competitive nature quickly came into play, and once I started doing parties and building a team it became insanely fun!  I was in the midst of planning our wedding, and started realizing how much I could add to our wedding fund by putting some effort into my Younique business - so I did - and it helped tremendously.
The wedding came and went, and July was the month of what I call "wedding/honeymoon hangover."  I was just SO tired y'all.  My plate had been so full for the past year that it just felt amazing to dump it in the floor and walk away for a month.  I did this with both my Younique business and my fitness journey.  If you've ever been into health/fitness, you know how hard it is to get back into the swing of things once you're out of it.  The same goes with business.  My motivation well was going dry.  I purchased my convention ticket several months ago, but after a terrible month of July I was feeling like I just wasted my money.  I told Matt as I was packing that I didn't want to go, and after the convention I would probably just fizzle out.
That convention changed everything.  Not just with my Younique business or my fitness journey, but with life in general.  The fact of the matter is - my "why" has changed.  I am a different person now than I was last year, or even last month, so it only makes sense that my "why" has to change and grow with me.  I am no longer working my business to purchase cake toppers and flower petals.  Although there are still a lot of things I would like to do that require extra income (i.e. move out of our townhouse into a "real house", travel, and eventually give Ozzie a sibling), but my main focus is no longer financial.
There are many reasons I love my Younique business and fitness journey, but the opportunity I have to impact others is at the top of the list.  Y'all know I don't exactly hate compliments, but the best compliments I receive have nothing to do with the size of my dress or the shade of lipstick I'm wearing.  The best are from people who tell me that my video made them try a fitness class, or they have never felt more beautiful after they tried my contouring tips.  It may not seem like much, but the smallest battles to us may be the largest to another.  Even the tiniest steps can instill the confidence needed to take bigger steps, and those eventually lead to leaps.  That is the goal, and that is where my focus is going to be from now on.
I left St. Louis with an incredible sense of gratitude for the opportunity I have been given to help and reach others, and I want my message to be positive.  I want to truly uplift, empower, and validate the people in my life that I love so dearly.  Starting today I will be doing The 100 Happy Days Challenge in order to truly be aware of the abundance of happiness that surrounds me and be #ObsessivelyGrateful for what I have.  I would love for all of you to join me!


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