If the name-changing-process alone isn't enough of an incentive to stay married, I don't know what is? Seriously- we will never get divorced simply because I absolutely refuse to go through all of this again! Why didn't anyone warn me about this insanity!? Forget about going to the Social Security office and DMV - that was the easy part. It's the changing your name on EVERYTHING THAT HAS YOUR NAME ON IT part that sucks. I understand that working for the Federal Government definitely adds another layer to this whole process that most of you don't have to deal with, but COME ONNNN. I've filled out more forms than you can shake a stick at, and it feels like I'm only at the tip of the iceberg.
Okay, I'm finished complaining. Merging lives legally is way more complicated than the actually being married part. The #WifeLife has been fantastic! It's been about 6 weeks and we are STILL working on getting things organized. After living in my townhouse for about 4 years, I have taken up just about every inch of space. Now that it's OUR townhouse, we are both having to purge a little. Neither of us really loves that! We are adjusting to each other's schedules, and I am really trying to keep things neat and tidy - it's not my strong point, but I am doing my best! While I was away this weekend, Matt discovered my stash of empty water bottles on the floor by my side of the bed. Oopsie. ;)

I think it's safe to say that Ozzie is the most excited about this new living arrangement. He is one happy camper to have his dad there every single day! When I come home he is excited to see me, wants to be petted and taken outside - then he's over it. When Matt comes home he cries and runs around like Matt has been off to war for 5 years. As soon as Matt sits down Ozzie "wallers" all over him, sits on his shoulder, leans against him on the couch, and basically doesn't leave his side the rest of the evening. It's so unfair. The other night when I came home from Dance Fitness class Matt was making 3 chicken breasts, and you know exactly who the 3rd one was for...

I've been asked a bazillion times "How's married life?" and my standard answer has been "So far so good!" I thought I loved living by myself, but I really love living with Matt. There is never a dull moment when you get to live with your best friend!
Oh, and in case you've been living under a rock and haven't noticed - the wedding pictures have been posted! All 10,459,587 of them! Okay, not really, but there were A LOT of fantastic pictures! I know I've said it over and over, but I HIGHLY recommend Memory Lane Photography to anyone. They are just the best people ever, and they do great work! I just look at those pictures and wish we could get married again everyday! SO FUN. I included a few of my favorites from throughout the day!
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