Ozzie and the Petzi

Let's hop back to December for this post!

Each year I request that Adam tell me what he is getting Tara for Christmas.  I like to piggyback on his gifts if I can, but I mostly want to know because I feel the need to "approve" them. Also, I'm just nosey. This year he told me that she would be receiving a Petzi! For those of you who aren't familiar, it's a camera that links to an app on your phone where you can check in with your pet, talk to them, and give them treats simply by hitting a button.  I was absolutely green with envy! My text back to him was simply - "Tell Matt I want it."

So Christmas came and we both got our Petzi Treat Cams! I WAS SO PUMPED! I couldn't wait to get home and set that baby up!  I read the instructions, inserted the treats, sync'd it with my internet, then my iPhone, downloaded the app, made an account, and plugged it in only to spend 10 minutes watching myself on my iPhone through the Petzi! It was totally worth every step of the setup process!

The next week I had decided to place the Petzi beside my TV in my living room facing the window where Ozzie sits.  I said my goodbyes to Oz and made my way to work.  I had been there for ohhhh about 5 minutes before I felt the need to check in on him! I turned on the camera and I saw him laying on the back of the couch looking out the window as he usually does.  I touched the "speak" option and said "Ozzzziiieeeeee!" I watched as he jumped about a mile into the air! In an attempt to ease his fears I said "Oz, it's me!" His head tilted back and forth and he stared at the little white talking box! I thought that a treat might get him to warm up, so I hit the treat button.  I saw the treat shoot out of the Petzi across the room, and Ozzie simultaneously shot off the couch and up the stairs!  I felt so bad for scaring him, but I can't say I was surprised! With his background of being abused/abandoned, pretty much everything terrifies him!  I waited a few hours and checked back, and he was still not back in his window! That's extremely out of character for him. I decided that he just needed to get used to it, so I spent the next few weeks turning it on and off while I was home with him, but each time he ran sank to the ground and upstairs.  There is a feature where you can snap a picture, so here are a couple I managed to get before he could run away.  The second one is in the night vision setting, so you can see his two little glowing eyeballs!

I decided that Matt could probably help.  Ozzie will do anything for Matt! So while he was at my house one evening I decided to turn it on and show him what Ozzie did when the Petzi came on. I made sure the alarm was off so it didn't make a sound, and as soon as I turned it in Ozzie shivered and jumped up around Matt's neck.  He actually tried to crawl down inside of Matt's hoodie as if the Petzi was after him! We turned it off and it took several minutes of coddling to get Oz back to normal.  After that we knew the Petzi had to go! :(

It had been a couple of months since Christmas, so Amazon wouldn't accept the return. I contacted Petzi directly and explained my dilemma. They offered to take it back directly and even sent me a prepaid shipping label! Talk about some awesome customer service! I was very pleased!!

I don't want you to think the Petzi is bad! My sister and her dogs LOVE it! I will say, if your dog has a history of abuse, or is just skittish in general, I'd steer clear! It's been several weeks since the Petzi disappeared, and Ozzie still comes down the stairs very gingerly and looks at the empty spot beside the TV where the Petzi used to sit! He still hasn't resumed his window sitting.  He now lays in my bed upstairs while I'm gone all day. I won't lie, I kind of feel like the worst furmomma in the world! I have traumatized my poor little baby! I'm still hoping he'll adjust back to his old schedule after Matt moves in! He will love having his dad there all the time! :)


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