Can I be real with you? Like really real?

Can I be real with you?  Like, really real? I don't want this to come across as condescending, so I want to start by saying this post is not intended to insult, make fun, or make anyone feel stupid.  It's simply to enlighten, inform, and educate because you're my friends, and I care! :)

I used to be THAT girl, too. The girl who wouldn't DARE buy from a Direct Sales person or host an online party. HEAVEN FORBID my friends think I'm doing something "annoying" or "mainstream." I was the girl who thought that by NOT shopping in drugstores I was more serious about my makeup game. I was the girl who thought that if it wasn't entirely too expensive because it had a certain name brand on the lid, whether it be from Mac, Sephora or Ulta, then it was crap.  Little did I know, I actually WAS buying the crap. Chemical filled, animal tested crap.

Let me break this down for you.

I searched for some "comparable" products. I put that in quotations because I tried to choose middle-of-the-line products as far as price, but they aren't all naturally based, and some are animal tested, so I feel the quality isn't as great.

This alone is $174, and does NOT include 
1.  Skin Care Sampler, Foundation Sampler, Bronzer Sampler, Pigment Sampler, Blush Sampler, Lip Gloss Sampler (Set of 10), Lip Stain Sampler (Set of 7)
2.  Presenter Makeup Case
3.  20% commission (starting, only goes up) on everything including your own purchases. 
4.  $25 in y-cash on your birthday.

On the flip side, I also did the same search at, and came up with this.  $56, however I wouldn't BY ANY MEANS say these products are "comparable" to Younique.  Chemicals galoreeeee!  I was going to list some ingredients, but it would take up the whole blog just to list them for just the Mascara.  Again, it doesn't include everything I mentioned above, so by the time you tack that on, it's definitely over $99.  Think about it.  This is your skin, your body, and your face. Let's really consider what we put on it and in it!

So, you see my point?

I'm not saying you should ONLY buy Younique because I understand that they still don't offer certain products that we want/need, but the majority of what we use is available and is totally worth it. You want to keep doing your shopping at Sephora and Wal-Mart? By all means, be my guest! BUT I have to tell you my honest opinion, amigo to amigo, for $99 you're getting the better quality and quantity.  You're getting the discount.  And you're getting an amazing experience with some fabulous new friends. It's just the facts!


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