Week 3 of Isagenix

 This week I am down .5 pounds, 12.5 pounds total, and 5.5 inches, 22 inches total! YAY! ALWAYS MEASURE! No deep cleanse this weekend, which was good because this Sunday was Easter! Matt and I both have big families and several places to be on holidays! Each one requires some careful planning, but we wouldn't have it any other way! I only got to drink a breakfast shake on Easter Sunday because we had a lunch and dinner to attend. Let's face it, I'm only human! I don't want to watch everyone enjoy their dinner while I drink a shake and look super pretentious! I will admit, this weekend was really hard. No Easter basket and no Reese eggs (which happen to be my all-time favorite candy). Nonetheless, I made it through!

I was thinking about what I would say in my blog this week, and I realized that I have talked about what Isagenix has done for me, but I haven't talked about why I chose Isagenix. As you know, I am a Zumba Fitness Instructor, so I teach/take at least 2 classes a week, usually more. I started going to Mount Vernon Baptist Church with Matt's family back in January, and joined their group called Run for God. On Monday nights we meet, do a devotional, and then run together. I also love my gym, Snap Fitness! So, my workout schedule each week usually goes something like this...
Monday - Run for God
Tuesday - Zumba Toning
Wednesday - Snap workout (Lifting/Treadmill) or run at the park.
Thursday - Zumba
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Zumba/Gym
Sunday - Sometimes Zumba, but usually I go to the gym or run at the park.

As you can see, I workout 6 days a week. Sometimes 5, but usually 6. I always felt like someone who works out like that should be losing weight without a problem, and shouldn't have to worry about watching what they eat. I was wrong. I didn't eat badly before, but I wasn't fueling my body properly. I was so incredibly frustrated with working out as much as I do and seeing no results! After starting Isagenix, I realized that I was doing it all wrong! You can count calories all day long, but the bottom line is that a food with 100 calories per serving can still be loaded with crap! I was really into gluten free, until I read the labels. My sister was the one who said to me, "Pay attention to the labels because they have to be replacing the gluten with something," and she was right! The same goes for all processed foods! If it says "Fat Free" or "Low Carb," you might want to do some investigating! This week Loren and I were talking about all of the diets we have tried and failed. Between the two of us we have tried Weight Watchers, Gluten-free, Paleo, Slimfast, Visalus, Nutrisystem, Sensa, several of the Dr. Oz diets/miracle vitamins, diet pills galore, etc., etc. etc. This is the first thing that we have both been able to stick to that actually works!

I talked to Sarah several times, and asked plenty of questions before deciding to sign up for my first Isagenix 30 day cleanse system. I decided my health was worth it, and I'm so glad I did. In fact, I just ordered my second 30 day cleanse system! It has been not only an eye-opening experience, but a life changing experience as well! While I am nowhere near the weight I want to be just yet, I feel so healthy and happy, and I am definitely on my way!


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