Week 2 of Isagenix

Two down, two to go! This week I lost 3.6 pounds, which makes 12 pounds total! As promised, I measured and lost 16.5 inches, but that is from both weeks!

I have to say, week 2 was a piece of cake!....mmmm cake...
As far as sticking to the program, I really do think it has been fairly easy. I don't have to try anymore! It is all just coming naturally! My energy is up, I'm sleeping better, and I'm REALLY enjoying the results! I feel like a kid again! ;) One Isagenix product I really love is the Want More Energy? drink mix! Also, the Isadelight chocolates really were named appropriately! So good!

I'm noticing more and more how much better I feel overall! I signed up to run a couple of local 5Ks (Drew's Day 5K and the Dog Jog 5K, in case anyone is interested in running with me!) I ran my first real 5K (because the Dirty Girl Mud Run doesn't really count) a few weeks ago, and had to walk a few times and really struggled. Of course that caused me to have a sucky time! On Wednesday night, I went to the park and decided to try that loop again. This time I ran the entire way, felt strong, and cut over 2 minutes off of my original time! I still haven't developed this love for running like people tell me I will. I'm starting to think they're all full of it and secretly laughing behind my back while I torture myself by wog. Death by wog!
Is that a thing?

Last weekend I stayed extremely busy during my 2 deep cleanse days! It was almost a hassle to have to stop to drink or eat and stay on schedule! This weekend I didn't have much planned, so I was a little worried about whether or not I was going to be miserable. I am being 100% honest when I say that it was just as easy as last time, and I still didn't feel hungry! On Saturday night we went out to celebrate the 23rd birthday of my best friend, Brittany! I just drank my water and enjoyed the company of my best friends! :) I must say it feels good to know that I do have some willpower after all!


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