I LOVE the Biggest Loser. I've been a fan for years, but for the past few seasons I've been a fanatic! I sob while watching the show. It's embarrassing how much I cry. Some stories are just incredible! It's amazing how these people are able to overcome challenges and achieve some wonderful things in such a short amount of time.
In most competition shows it's easy to pick the person that you're cheering for and root against everyone else, but the BL isn't like that. You find yourself cheering for everyone, and every week I am heart broken that someone has to leave the ranch! I usually pull for the person that is most like me. The young, 20-something, former athlete that kicks butt in all the challenges! Last season I was so desperate for Danni to win that I couldn't even sit down to watch the finale. She did win! Thank goodness. I might have had a meltdown if she didn't. She was athletic, muscular, and healthy! This year my girl was Rachel, but the outcome of her journey was extremely different.
When Rachel first stepped out on stage in her dress, the initial shock of how much smaller she was made me SO happy for her! Then, as I looked at her more and more,I started to notice that she was VERY thin, maybe a little too thin. After they changed clothes for the final weigh-in it became shockingly obvious that something was not right. Upon weighting in, she lost 155 pounds. 260 lbs to 105lbs. That's right, I said one hundred five pounds.
I'm not sure if calling someone too skinny is just as insulting as calling someone too fat (probably because I've never had to worry about being too skinny! ;) ) but I just have to say it! She's too skinny! Where did her muscles go? She had them a few weeks ago! Her cheeks are sunken in, her eyes are dark, and her arms and legs look so tiny and frail. I admired her because she was an athlete, but she took the competition to a new level. Clearly her journey became about either winning or money instead of health.
It's just a huge disappointment that a show that I have followed and loved for years will now lose a lot of credibility because one girl chose to go overboard by transforming her food addiction into a different form of addiction, whatever that may be. The BL has promoted healthy living and weight loss, and the prize money is to reward that. After seeing Rachel, I think the money should've gone to Dave. He embodied what the show is all about, and he is a positive example of healthy weightloss! Jillian and Bob said it all with their facial expressions when she walked out. You can see Tanya behind them looking less than impressed too. It's such a sad situation because you WANT to be happy for her, but something inside you just can't do it! She went too far, and I hope she gets the help she needs to control her new addiction before she takes it too far.
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