Just a Bunch of Hocus Pocus

I LOVE Halloween! The whole concept of Halloween is just fabulous. I mean, what's not to love? You get to dress up in costume, parade around while people tell you how cute/scary/funny you are, and then you receive candy from total strangers. Brilliant. My sister absolutely loves Halloween, which is surprising because she hates scary things! She can't even see a scary movie preview on TV without having nightmares! In fact, Earnest Scared Stupid gave Tara terrible nightmares! I think the only Halloween movies that she can handle are Hocus Pocus(of course) and Donald Duck Halloween. I like scary movies, but I hate being scared in real life. There is nothing that could convince me to go into one of those haunted trails or mazes...ever. Lucky for us, Halloween has a lot of traditions that aren't scary! Jumping through piles of leaves, carving pumpkins, eating seeds, drinking various pumpkin flavored lattes, eating all of the candy before Trick or Treaters come, so you have to go buy more the day of. Ohhh, good times!

Perhaps the most fun/non-scary Halloween activity is the Halloween Part-ay! There is nothing more fun than seeing your friends dancing around in ridiculous outfits! There comes a point in every girls life when she no longer wants to have a "cute" costume. Whatever they want to be has to have the word "sexy" before it. Sexy police officer. Sexy Cow. Sexy Plumber. You get the idea. Then there comes a point in your life when you just don't care anymore. I am at that point. I like to pick costumes that I know no one else will have. Lucky for me, Helen is awesome at sewing and has made just about every costume Tara, Dad, and I have had. Costume brainstorming takes some time because in order to have a REALLY good costume they must be A. Original B. Creative and C. Homemade!

This year, my friend/cousin/sister, Beth, who recently moved back to WV, threw a Halloween Party! It was fabulous! She had the entire house decorated perfectly! I danced my unibrow right off! Here are some pictures of the evening. Enjoy!
Tara and Adam as a scarecrow and werewolf.

Matt and I as Dodgeball characters.

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My Sisters <3

Andy and Jess as Colonel Sanders and his chick!

Callie, Melissa, Beth, Ashlie, and me!
Some of the girls :)

Two of the pumpkins we carved at Jon and Kathy's last night! :)


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