I Lead an Interesting Life

It's been a few weeks since I've written, and that is because life has been quite interesting! As most of you know, I work for USDA Rural Development aka the federal government, so I haven't been able to work for a couple of weeks. Thank goodness for Zumba or else I would be broke and bored out of my mind!
Luckily, my birthday was this past Thursday, and since I celebrate for about a week and a half (maybe more) the shutdown came at the perfect time! Also, I was helping to plan a Zumbathon, which can be pretty time consuming, so I really haven't had a chance to sit around and mope!
My Zumba friends and I did a Think Pink Zumbathon at the Huntington Mall to benefit breast cancer! You have no idea the planning these things take! I mean we sat at Panera Bread for HOURS...mostly stuffing our faces and gossiping, but that's beside the point! We couldn't believe how easily things came together! The event went extremely well, and I think the participants had fun!
The shoppers seemed pleased with all the shaking and gyrating, since many of them stopped to watch for quite some time! Lots of men were getting smacked in the head with the wife's Talbots bag. Anywho, we had a blast, raised some money, and tried to do our part in raising awareness! In case you want to keep track, I'm still not working at this point.
I got the new iPhone 5s after a few fights in the AT&T store and a minor meltdown! Thank The Lord for Twitter! I'm telling you, if you tweet, magic will happen! I get the best customer service via tweet! Oh, by the way, still on furlough.
On to the fun stuff! My Birthday festivities!
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday - I mostly just got to hang out with Helen! She took me shopping and got me some fabulous new boots and Zumba shoes, amongst other things! By the way, I seriously have THE best mom. I know everyone says that, but she has to be the most giving woman in the world! Whether it's making sure I have food or toilet paper, she has been so great these past couple of weeks!
Wednesday - My family went out to dinner at Logan's (because I absolutely LOVE Logan's. Those rolls...) Poor Matt's dinner looked so pathetic in comparison to mine! 
Thursday- On my actual birthday I got to hang out with Helen some more, go to dads football game, and teach Zumba. Brittany gave me the most precious best friend book! It was a good day!
Friday- I had the blessing of going to Sams with Helen and Helen senior, aka Mamaw. Holy moly! I wish I could say never again, but I know it's going to happen! THEN, Matt took me to the Greenhouse for a murder mystery dinner! SO FUN! I highly recommend it! Oh, and I got my fabulous, amazing, you-probably-can't-pull-them-off-but-I-can, sperry boots!! ;)

Saturday- Tara, Brittany, Beth, and I went on mini road trip to a winery that shall remain nameless. If you really want to know, you can find it easily. I don't think we stopped laughing, but there was just so much to laugh at! You'll have to ask me for the real story because I'm not mean enough to blog it! This is a happy place!
Sunday- Kathy made me the most fabulous birthday dinner, and they got me the pillow I had been eyeballing at Yeager Interior Design! YAY!
I'm just feeling so incredibly blessed to have my family, my friends, Matt, and his family! It really makes me realize that money isn't the most important thing, and I am surrounded by incredible people willing to help me in anyway they can! It's an overwhelming feeling to be that loved!
Have I bored you enough!? Yeah, welcome to my life for the past two weeks! I cannot wait to get back into the swing of things!
So thank you SO much to everyone for the tweets, wall posts, instagrams, texts, phone calls, smoke signals, telegrams, and singing quartets! I am so appreciative! Love you all!


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