Young Trendsetter

I had no idea that my fashion choices as a 6 year old would spark a movement taking over the country.  That's right, folks.  I started the big, fake, thick, black, horn-rimmed glasses trend!  Jealous?  I thought so.
You see, when I was in the first grade, I wanted glasses so badly.  I just thought they made you look smart, cool, sophisticated.  I needed them.  When Helen would go to pick out her frames, I spent the entire time gazing at myself in the mirrors to find the perfect frame for my face.
It was that time of year.  No, not Christmas, time to get our annual physicals.  It was always the same at Doctor Phillips office.  She had dealt with me long enough to know what she was up against when it came to injuries, illnesses, and accidents.  The appointment always began with the eye chart in the hallway.  She handed me a black paddle to cover my left eye with, and asked me to read the chart.  "E, d, c, k, v, t..."  I read the chart with ease, and then it hit me.  If I don't read the chart right, they'll think I can't see! I'll be able to wear glasses!
I put the paddle over my right eye and began spouting off random letters.  Helen and Dr. Phillips were looking at each other, both suspicious of my answers.  Dr. Phillips told me to go in the room and wait while she talked to Helen.  She and Helen agreed that it was obvious what I was up to, and Dr. Phillips told Helen to take me to the dollar store and let me pick out some cheap reading glasses with a very low strength.
We left the doctors office and Helen informed me that we needed to go pick out some glasses since I am nearly blind.  We went to the dollar store (I should have known then -_-) and she let me pick out some glasses.  I searched and searched and I finally decided on a pair of thick, black, horned rimmed glasses.  I felt like a million bucks!  Helen was mortified that she had to be seen with me the rest of the day while I was wearing those.
I had been told that I was not allowed to wear them to school, but that was just silly to me!  They were my glasses, I needed them for school!  At this time, I was in the first grade at GWES and I had a teacher named Mrs. Fuller.  She was a little older and a little too naive for my tricks.  I slipped the glasses into the pocket of my blue and red jumper and went skipping off to school.  Class began and Mrs. Fuller got out her chalk to right on the board, so the glasses went on!  She turned around and said, "Kellie, are those YOUR glasses?"  I answered her, "Yessss?..."  She went on about her teaching, and I was home free...or so I thought.
As the day went on, the glasses were increasingly more annoying and not as much fun as I had imagined.  After I got to show them to everyone on the playground at lunch, the thrill was over.  I decided I had enough of them and folded them up and put them in my pocket.  Mrs. Fuller came over to my desk and asked, "Where are your glasses?"  I explained that I didn't want to wear them right at that moment.  She replied, "Now, your parents paid good money for those glasses and you're going to wear them!"  I was already irritated with her constantly questioning me about them, but I finally convinced her that I only needed them for reading.
Later that week, I was at at the GWMS girls basketball game to watch my sister play and dad coach.  I was making my usual rounds, back and forth from the concessions stand, when I noticed Mrs. Hoffman (another teacher at GWES) sitting next to Helen.  I tried to run, but it was too late, I had been spotted!  They called for me to come over, and as I approached Mrs. Hoffman asked me that dreaded question, "Where are your glasses?"  I looked at her like she was the devil.  How dare she tattle on me to Helen, right in front of my face!?  Since it was obvious that I was busted, I sat down to listen to her glasses gossip!  She told Helen about "Mrs. Fuller asking her "What kind of parent would buy their daughter glasses like that!?"  I was so proud of myself.  I had fooled them all!  Helen wasn't thrilled with the news, but she was very amused.  I had to turn in my glasses that night, but one thing is for certain; the glasses trend started with me!


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