Who Wears Christmas Sweaters? People Who Don't Like to be Cold.

There are so many wonderful, exciting things about Christmas time. The warmth of the fireplace, being with family and friends, the snow, the hot cocoa, the Christmas sweaters, the....Wait. Did I say Christmas sweaters? Yes, I said Christmas sweaters! Why? Because they can be worn to the Ugly Christmas Sweater Parties! Each year I tear through the corners of stores like Gabes and Goodwill in search of the tackiest, ugliest Christmas sweater ever worn by mankind. After I find that sweater, I go to the dollar store and find more tacky things to glue to it, making it even worse. We all dawn our gay apparel, which gets funnier as the night progresses. Our party is this Saturday. Finals will be over, everyone will be home for break, and i think we deserve to celebrate! SOOOO EXCITED!
Sometimes if I don't have time to shop for a sweater, I will just borrow one from Helen. Those that know her also know that she enjoys a good holiday sweater. Well, Zac and I were walking through the mall and I saw a sweater in a store window that stopped me dead in my tracks. It was hideous. It was tacky. It was perfect. We ran in the store and found the sweater, unfortunately it was $50, and I refuse to pay that much for something so ugly. Later in the week Helen and I were discussing the Ugly Christmas Sweater Party, and I brought up this sweater. I began describing it, and with each word her mouth and eyes drew closer to her nose. "Kellieeee," she said. "I wanted that sweater!" I told her that it must have been a different one because there is no way that she could have liked this one. So, we got back to the office and I found it on the website to show her. Low and behold it WAS the sweater that she wanted and STILL wants. I have included a picture of the sweater. Please tell me you agree with me! haha.
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