Out with the Old..

Bring it on 2011! I am determined to make this a better year. Not that this hasn't been a good year .. well, it's been an OKAY year, but I want this year to be epic! I have big plans for 2011. Yessireebob!

On the 31st I will be flying for the first time (to Florida to spend New Years with my friends Toni and Brittany!) which I am counting as 2011 epic moment #1. Hopefully it won't be the only one on my list.

I always make a resolution for the New Year. Last year I decided not to drink any soda, and I actually did it! That's right folks, no pop for Kellie for 365 days. I think this might be the first time that I actually did stick it out.

This year I have a few New Year resolutions.

1. Drinking ONLY water. This should be more difficult since my no pop kick did not include sweet tea, juice, etc.

2. Running several 5Ks. My goal is to run the first in under 30 minutes. After that I want to drop a minute each race. I think that is very reasonable and it will keep it fun since I won't be killing myself. Hopefully the 5K will get entirely too easy and I will be able to run a half marathon or something.

3. Doing more outdoors. My friend, Sarah, is really big into climbing, kayaking, hiking, etc. I would really like to go try some of these things with her next summer. Hopefully all the running will get me in shape enough to hang with her! lol

I've read several articles on how to stay motivated throughout the year with resolutions, and also how to get started. They all say the same thing for the most part, but I did find one that was different that I liked. It suggested buying new workout clothes or shoes, which I think would keep me going. I really like using things as soon as I buy them, so it might keep me going if I buy some new shorts or something every few weeks. They all say to meditate, which i am replacing with prayer. I definitely need to spend more time in that department, not just when things aren't going my way. And the last beneficial resolution helper is telling other people, so you will feel obligated to stick with it. I am definitely competitive, so if someone knows I'm doing something, I will try my hardest to accomplish it.

Okay I'm finished with my rambling. HAPPY NEW YEAR!! :)


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