My Newborn Must-Haves!
I am going to preface this post with a confession. I have not sent out thank you cards. But they are coming! It's not that I am not extremely thankful, I am, I truly am! The thing is - I hate my handwriting. Like, truly embarrassed by how bad it is. Cindy Noffsinger always told me that it's because my hand can't keep up with my brain, which makes me feel good, so we will go with that. This is why I absolutely loathe writing notes or even addressing an envelope, which is why you addressed your own envelope if you came to my baby shower. True story - I sent Megan Hannah a picture of my first addressed wedding invitation and her reply was something like "Why don't you let me address them for you as a wedding gift?" I know Meg well enough to know that was her polite way of saying “Holy cow, you will not ruin our beautiful invitations with that chicken scratch on the front!” (Jokes, jokes, she’d never say that to my face lol ) SO, to avoid all of that, I designed a card online. And then the cocororo rolled into town, which delayed the shipping a few weeks! I've just decided that if you are that offended that I didn't write a note specifically thanking you for each individual gift in a timely manner, then we will have to agree to disagree! So, all that to say - if you see your gift on the list and think to yourself "heyyyy, I never got a thank you for that!" it is coming.
Now, for the meat and potatoes of this post! I know what you're thinking, more baby stuff!? *eye roll* and yes, you'd be correct. I can't help it. My life is totally consumed by this tiny thing, and so that is what I have in my brain to write about. Also, I have a lot of pregnant social media friends who may want this information. Not to mention all the corona babies that will be hitting the scene in 9 months!
I have seen a bajillion posts from expecting moms asking for suggestions for what to add to their registry, and having been on the job for a couple of months now, I feel like a lot of those suggestions are absolute crap. So, I am going to tell you what I use everyday or at least most days that I think you need. As you know, babies eat, sleep, and poop. So all the things in this post pertain to just that, and will be arranged in such a manner.
If you plan to breastfeed, you 100% need this. When you feed your baby, both sides let down milk. Weird, I know. A LOT of things about having a baby are weird. That milk can either be soaked up by a pad and thrown away, OR you can collect it to put in a bottle for later or freeze it. I get at least an ounce if not more every single time, and that adds up! It just suctions onto the breast that is not occupied and collects the milk. SO handy.
Body Armour
I read some blogs before I had Logan to prepare myself (sort of like what you are doing now!) and a ton of them said to drink Body Armour, so I did. I think it definitely works. If you look up foods and drinks that help with lactation, you will find that Body Armour has a lot of them, so it makes sense. I recommend the Lyte so that you aren't taking in a ton of calories on drinks, but that's just me.
Gripe Water
My friend Brittany swore by this, and I have to agree, it has saved us quite a few times. Also, it literally gets rid of hiccups in 1 second. Like...magic.
Nose Frida / Oogie Bear
Logan arrived at a very sickly time of year (obvi,) and with the weather changes and things blooming on our daily walks, he has had some congestion. Since babies only breathe through their noses, it makes it hard for them to eat if their noses aren't clear. Now, I won't lie to you, HE HATES THE NOSE FRIDA, but it works. The Oogie Bear is also great for the little boogers that you can't get because their nostrils are so teeny.
Boppy Lounger
If you follow me at all, you've definitely seen Logan sitting in this. Ozzie also likes to keep it warm when Logan is not using it. I also like the regular Boppy nursing pillow for, well, nursing, but also for when people come over who aren't used to holding a baby (pre-Covid) because it helps them rest their arm. I mean, Logan's a big boy, you definitely need the support! Back to the lounger - this thing is awesome. I set it on the table while I work, on the floor or couch while we watch TV, on the bed while I shower, etc. etc. etc. Of course this only really works when they are immobile, but it is nice to have something that can be easily moved around the house that he can sit in.
Moby Wrap
Something about wearing your baby makes you feel like you could hop on the back of your noble steed whilst wielding your mighty sword overhead shouting "ayeayeayeayeaye" as you conquer the world. Okay, but really it gives you both hands to make dinner or write a blog, and that’s huge.
Graco Swing
I know everyone has their preference with these types of things, and this is ours. Logan doesn't so much care for bouncing and he likes the Mamaroo in small doses, but that boy loves to swing! He will sleep in this thing for 3 hours at a time, and it is magical. It has 6 speeds and various sound settings, but Logan's favorite part is the owl mobile! He laughs and laughs at the owls. We have no idea why, but its freaking cute.
I have to admit, when Logan starts sleeping in his room, I may need to purchase another one of these to keep in our room because I love it. This is a nightlight and sound machine in one, and it is super cool. It changes colors and has sounds that range from wind and water to lullabies. You can use an app on your phone to choose the settings, adjust the volume, and adjust the brightness of the light.
Let me start by saying, we tried a lot of swaddles, but Logan is an "arms up" baby. We never got to see his face in an ultrasound picture because he always had his arms over his head like he was sleeping on a desk. Annnnd he still loves to have his arms over his head. When they're not up, he is being squirrely and has his hands up by his mouth nibbling on his sleeve. I'm telling you this because 1. I think it's cute. 2. He hates to be swaddled. If I put his arms down he thrashes around and grunts until he can't take it anymore and lets out the type of cry that can peel paint off the walls. SO, we use the ZipadeeZip, which contains his arms, but still allows him to move them. He sleeps through the night about 50% of the time, or only wakes up to eat once. Note: I plan to try the Merlin Magic Sleep Suit once he is big enough to fit in it because I hear great things. I will report back!
Zipper PJS
Just trust me on this. The buttons are fun for awhile, and don't get me wrong, they're super cute, but you're gonna want PJs that zip. It's just easier.
Boogie Bottoms
I have 3 words for you. Spray. Diaper. Cream. I can't even begin to tell you how much better this is than the regular stuff. I love it so much I wish I could show a demonstration, but I don't think my son would ever forgive me for that.
I have a two-story house, which means I make lots of trips up and down the stairs each day. This is fine until you have to carry a baby and 50 other things. Enter, caddy. I use this to carry his diapers, wipes, Gripe Water, my pump parts, his binkys, bottles, etc. It's become like a house purse of sorts for me! If we ever can't find something, it's probably in the caddy. It just makes everything easier!
Door Organizer
Logan's nursery is on the smaller side, and it's kind of a weird shape which doesn't allow for much storage. We hung this on the back of his closet door for little things like bibs, burp cloths, socks, etc. and it has been so handy!
Obviously, this is the new rage. I haven't seen a regular diaper bag in awhile, and I now know why.
When you have to carry a car seat, phone, keys, drink, sunglasses, purse, etc. and you only have 2 hands, you don't want to worry about carrying a big bag, too. It is nice to throw the backpack on and not have to worry about it being in the way! Also, I feel like a very cool mom with my backpack.
Bath Kneeler
Giving a baby a bath is hard on the ol' bod. This doesn't help your back with all the bending and reaching, but it does save your knees and elbows when you are giving them a scruba-dub-dub!
I hope this is helpful when you are putting your baby registry together! If there is one thing I've learned in my short two months of motherhood, it is that no two babies are the same and everyone has different preferences and needs. It's just a lot of trial and error until you figure out what works for you, but you will figure it out! You can grab any or all of these things at my Liketoknowit link here!
xo - Kellie
Now, for the meat and potatoes of this post! I know what you're thinking, more baby stuff!? *eye roll* and yes, you'd be correct. I can't help it. My life is totally consumed by this tiny thing, and so that is what I have in my brain to write about. Also, I have a lot of pregnant social media friends who may want this information. Not to mention all the corona babies that will be hitting the scene in 9 months!
I have seen a bajillion posts from expecting moms asking for suggestions for what to add to their registry, and having been on the job for a couple of months now, I feel like a lot of those suggestions are absolute crap. So, I am going to tell you what I use everyday or at least most days that I think you need. As you know, babies eat, sleep, and poop. So all the things in this post pertain to just that, and will be arranged in such a manner.

Body Armour
I read some blogs before I had Logan to prepare myself (sort of like what you are doing now!) and a ton of them said to drink Body Armour, so I did. I think it definitely works. If you look up foods and drinks that help with lactation, you will find that Body Armour has a lot of them, so it makes sense. I recommend the Lyte so that you aren't taking in a ton of calories on drinks, but that's just me.
Gripe Water
My friend Brittany swore by this, and I have to agree, it has saved us quite a few times. Also, it literally gets rid of hiccups in 1 second. Like...magic.
Nose Frida / Oogie Bear
Logan arrived at a very sickly time of year (obvi,) and with the weather changes and things blooming on our daily walks, he has had some congestion. Since babies only breathe through their noses, it makes it hard for them to eat if their noses aren't clear. Now, I won't lie to you, HE HATES THE NOSE FRIDA, but it works. The Oogie Bear is also great for the little boogers that you can't get because their nostrils are so teeny.
Boppy Lounger

Moby Wrap
Something about wearing your baby makes you feel like you could hop on the back of your noble steed whilst wielding your mighty sword overhead shouting "ayeayeayeayeaye" as you conquer the world. Okay, but really it gives you both hands to make dinner or write a blog, and that’s huge.
Graco Swing
I know everyone has their preference with these types of things, and this is ours. Logan doesn't so much care for bouncing and he likes the Mamaroo in small doses, but that boy loves to swing! He will sleep in this thing for 3 hours at a time, and it is magical. It has 6 speeds and various sound settings, but Logan's favorite part is the owl mobile! He laughs and laughs at the owls. We have no idea why, but its freaking cute.
I have to admit, when Logan starts sleeping in his room, I may need to purchase another one of these to keep in our room because I love it. This is a nightlight and sound machine in one, and it is super cool. It changes colors and has sounds that range from wind and water to lullabies. You can use an app on your phone to choose the settings, adjust the volume, and adjust the brightness of the light.

Zipper PJS
Just trust me on this. The buttons are fun for awhile, and don't get me wrong, they're super cute, but you're gonna want PJs that zip. It's just easier.
Boogie Bottoms
I have 3 words for you. Spray. Diaper. Cream. I can't even begin to tell you how much better this is than the regular stuff. I love it so much I wish I could show a demonstration, but I don't think my son would ever forgive me for that.
I have a two-story house, which means I make lots of trips up and down the stairs each day. This is fine until you have to carry a baby and 50 other things. Enter, caddy. I use this to carry his diapers, wipes, Gripe Water, my pump parts, his binkys, bottles, etc. It's become like a house purse of sorts for me! If we ever can't find something, it's probably in the caddy. It just makes everything easier!
Door Organizer
Logan's nursery is on the smaller side, and it's kind of a weird shape which doesn't allow for much storage. We hung this on the back of his closet door for little things like bibs, burp cloths, socks, etc. and it has been so handy!
Obviously, this is the new rage. I haven't seen a regular diaper bag in awhile, and I now know why.
When you have to carry a car seat, phone, keys, drink, sunglasses, purse, etc. and you only have 2 hands, you don't want to worry about carrying a big bag, too. It is nice to throw the backpack on and not have to worry about it being in the way! Also, I feel like a very cool mom with my backpack.
Bath Kneeler
Giving a baby a bath is hard on the ol' bod. This doesn't help your back with all the bending and reaching, but it does save your knees and elbows when you are giving them a scruba-dub-dub!
I hope this is helpful when you are putting your baby registry together! If there is one thing I've learned in my short two months of motherhood, it is that no two babies are the same and everyone has different preferences and needs. It's just a lot of trial and error until you figure out what works for you, but you will figure it out! You can grab any or all of these things at my Liketoknowit link here!
xo - Kellie
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