A Peek Inside Logan's Nursery
Posting this a little late because, ya know, I've been busy! So pretend this is last week so that I don't have to rewrite it, K!?
Can you believe this is (probably) my last blog before Logan arrives!? The next time you hear from me (on here) I will technically be a "mom blogger!" But not really because I will still write about all the other random life things!
It was a really quick 38 weeks! I was so busy with cheerleading, Matt's treatments, work, IG, etc. that it absolutely flew by. But then...then these last couple weeks came, and things suddenly came to a screeching halt! It seemed like as soon as we had the baby shower and the nursery was ready, it was like "Okayyyy, what are you waiting for, dude!?"
Speaking of nursery...
Disclaimer: This is not meant to offend because we all have our styles and tastes when it comes to décor. That's what makes the world go'round.
When we first found out we were having a baby boy, I was really clueless as to where to go with the nursery! The only "boy things" I really like are sports, but that is far too cliché a theme for my taste. Naturally, I took to pinterest for inspiration, but the themes were mostly woodland creatures, camping, and traditional baby blue décor - again, not my thing. Another trend that is really popular right now is no theme, no color, all neutral, sort of adult looking rooms - which I'm not totally down with either. I love Disney, but I could never decide on a movie to make the theme. Absolutely impossible to choose! I know, I sound very hard to please. I mean, I am. Y'all know that about me by now!
I tossed around the ideas of a WV theme and a dog theme, and then my sister threw out the idea of doing an Avengers theme. At first I was not sold because my brain was flashing in big red letters "TACKY." I mentioned my ideas to Matt and he wasn't overly excited - and then I told him Tara's idea - of course, he loved it. That made me a little more agreeable - at least to seeing if I could make it work. I started researching, but I wasn't loving the traditional Avengers as we see them today. I put on my thinking cap and we eventually we landed on a vintage superhero comic theme! I absolutely love the way it all came together. It's different, fun, colorful, and well.....super. (hehehehe, I had to do it!)
A few tidbits about some of my favorite parts of the nursery.
I found the "LOGAN" letters at Hobby Lobby - well, I found "LOAN." Apparently, the company does not make a G. It wasn't out of stock, it wasn't online, they simply do not make 6 letters of the alphabet and "G" is one of them. IS THAT NOT INSANE!? Anywho, I loved the letters and I was determined to make them work. Enter Jeff. I purchased a "C" and "L" and he managed to whip up a "G" in no time! You would never know it wasn't purchased like that! Dad also painted the room while Matt was at treatment one day, and helped hang all the pictures. I don't know what we'd do without that man!
Also, since neither of us can do any heavy lifting, we were totally reliant on Matt's 3 brothers helping us. They were a HUGE help in getting the nursery furniture (amongst other things) carried up and down the stairs, and they put everything together for us! We owe them big time!
One idea my sister had (which ultimately sold me on the theme) was the "I love you 3000" sign. If you haven't seen "Avengers: Endgame" then that doesn't mean much to you, but it's a super cute part of the movie which actually happened to Robert Downey Jr. in real life! I met Finley Farm Co. at an outdoor market last year, and messaged them about the idea. The sign was done in just a few days, and I absolutely love how it turned out.
There was no way Helen was getting away without contributing some of her talents to the nursery. I had the hardest time finding linens that suited my fancy. I sent my mom some fabrics I liked online to get her thoughts, and she had ordered them, made crib sheets, a changing table cover, and blankets before I knew it! I have several different options, but this print was Matt's favorite, so we used them for the pictures. Ya gotta throw 'em a bone every once in awhile, amirite ladies? ;)
I found these little stuffed guys at the Buffalo Octoberfest and thought they would be the perfect addition for our more vintage theme as opposed to the traditional plush toys in stores now. If you are interested in purchasing something similar, let me know and I will provide her contact information!

xo- Kellie
Can you believe this is (probably) my last blog before Logan arrives!? The next time you hear from me (on here) I will technically be a "mom blogger!" But not really because I will still write about all the other random life things!
Speaking of nursery...
Disclaimer: This is not meant to offend because we all have our styles and tastes when it comes to décor. That's what makes the world go'round.
When we first found out we were having a baby boy, I was really clueless as to where to go with the nursery! The only "boy things" I really like are sports, but that is far too cliché a theme fo
A few tidbits about some of my favorite parts of the nursery.

Also, since neither of us can do any heavy lifting, we were totally reliant on Matt's 3 brothers helping us. They were a HUGE help in getting the nursery furniture (amongst other things) carried up and down the stairs, and they put everything together for us! We owe them big time!

There was no way Helen was getting away without contributing some of her talents to the nursery. I had the hardest time finding linens that suited my fancy. I sent my mom some fabrics I liked online to get her thoughts, and she had ordered them, made crib sheets, a changing table cover, and blankets before I knew it! I have several different options, but this print was Matt's favorite, so we used them for the pictures. Ya gotta throw 'em a bone every once in awhile, amirite ladies? ;)
I found these little stuffed guys at the Buffalo Octoberfest and thought they would be the perfect addition for our more vintage theme as opposed to the traditional plush toys in stores now. If you are interested in purchasing something similar, let me know and I will provide her contact information!

After the shower, Kathy and mom spent the entire day helping me sort, de-tag, wash, and organize everything, which was QUITE a task! Nonetheless, the nursery is finished, the various equipment is put together, the maternity pictures are done, the bags are packed, and we are now (impatiently) waiting for Sir Logiebear to make his debut! Until then...
AND thank you to BEK Photography for the beautiful pictures! :)
xo- Kellie
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