Happy Halloweenie!

I love any excuse to wear a costume.  I have always had a very wild imagination, so dressing up and pretending to be someone else was one of my favorite things to play as a kid.  I vividly remember [mildly] threatening my preschool classmates if they took the costume I wanted in the costume bin.  As an adult, I am less threatening, but I still love a good costume.  I try to come up with fun, different costumes that people don't see very often.  Now, that doesn't always come in the form of the idea, but usually in the execution.  I have one rule, and one rule only when it comes to Halloween costumes - never buy a packaged costume from a store.  I always try my very best to make it from scratch, or piece it together.  I think that is part of the fun, and I enjoy a challenge.  So, I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorite costumes throughout the years!  Happy Halloween!

 Fran Stalinovskovichdavidovitchsky and Gordon from Dodgeball

 Ursula from the Little Mermaid
The theme this year was Disney Villains.

Helga G. Pataki and Quailman
The theme was favorite Nickelodeon cartoon character.

I found this hat and designed an [office appropriate] army pinup girl around it.

Josie Geller from Never Been Kissed

Angelica Pickles and Susie Carmichael from Rugrats

 Baby doll, Chick-Fil-A cow, and SunDrop girl.

And because I love my mom so much...


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