How To Deal with the Haters
If you've been around for awhile, you've probably figured out that I like to hop around from thing to thing, and I don't stay focused on one top-SQUIRREL-ic for very long. (Jokes for days over here!) I get bored SO easily, and I feel the need to constantly switch up my workouts, my diet, my hobbies, etc. When I see something shiny and new, you better believe I am chasing it like a cat chases a laser pointer. I'm one of those weird people who totally loves and embraces change (most of the time.) The fact that I like to share everything about my life makes this more obvious, and that's okay because I want people out there to know they aren't alone. I've been called "flighty" and told that I "can't stick to anything," and maybe that can seem like a negative trait, but I am here to tell you it's not. It's okay to lose interest in something, change your mind, or rearrange your priorities for different seasons of life.
[I always like when people call them "seasons of life," rather than "chapters" or "phases." Seasons come and go, which I feel is more accurate in relation to life. When you move to a new "chapter" or "phase" you don't ever really go back to it, but sometimes life requires us to take a step back. This is why I like to call them seasons. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.]
The other side of the coin is that sometimes I fail. It's that simple. I try to cut out carbs and dairy, and then I eat a pizza - fail. I try to write for 1 hour everyday, but find myself double tapping my way through IG all evening- fail. I try to do Rachel Hollis' "5 to Thrive" - MAJOR fail. I fail ALL THE TIME, and you know what I do? I try again. Everyone can roll their eyes all they want, but I will keep trying until I find something that works for me, and you should, too.
Dealing with the haters is easy. I want you to ask yourself one simple question - "Have you ever met a hater doing better than you?' The answer is no. In Game of Thrones, Tywin Lannister says "A lion doesn't concern itself with the opinion of sheep," so stop caring if people are judging or forming opinions of you because it is ALWAYS going to happen. You can't stop people from doing this, but that's okay because success doesn't come from the approval of others - it comes from within. Motivation comes from within. Dedication comes from within. The things it takes to succeed are not given to us, they are pulled from that fire in our bellies. Do these people pay your bills? Feed your family? Did they invent the chicken sandwich? NO. Their opinion of you or what you do is com-plete-ly ir-rel-e-vant! Decide today that you are going to try until you succeed. You are going to make believing in your abilities, your willpower, and your strength a priority. You were born to be the lion, so be a lion!
xo- Kellie
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