The Shutdown Life

If you haven't heard, there's a 10 year picture challenge going around. Be sure to participate so that we can see if you got hotter or older or plastic surgery or whatever!  Oh, also, the United States government is partially shutdown, and if that's news to you just know that I am judging you.  I am part of the "non-essential" group, which feels kind of insulting, but actually just means I am not working through the shutdown.  We have been off work since before Christmas, December 22nd to be exact, so I have been "unemployed" for a month now, although it feels like so much longer!  Let me tell you "funemployment" is not so fun after all.  Since all of my friends are productive citizens with jobs and I am saving our money, I spend most days puttering around the house and snuggling with my sweet Ozzie boy.
 BUT I will share a few things have accomplished with my time off.

Netflix Accomplishments
Finally Finished/Caught up on - The Fosters, Fuller House, Grey's Anatomy, and Queer Eye.
Watched - YOU (VERY GOOD! Although, I must say, I am with Penn Badgley on this - the fact that people are super turned on by his character is just a tad creepy!)
Schitt's Creek - MUST WATCH.  SO funny. David is my spirit animal!
FYRE - This is a documentary about the infamous FYRE Festival that turned out to be a huge scam.
Re-watched - Thor Ragnarok, Black Panther, Guardians of the Galaxy 2, and Avengers Infinity War.  Actually, I watched Infinity War like 3 times, but who's counting?
I'm not going to list everything, but just know, a lot of Netflixing occurred.
And last, but not least, Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, which brings me to my next accomplishment.

Cleaning/Organizing Accomplishments
After watching Tidying Up, I did what most people did - ruthlessly cleaned out my entire house.  My pantry, my closet, my drawers, my bathroom cabinets, everything.  I kept saying "Clearance sale, everything must go!" in my best Grinch voice, but Matt never got it.  That, or he just didn't think it was funny.  As a result of my ruthless cleaning, I finally unpacked every last box from our move, took about 25 boxes/bags to the dumpster, re-folded all of our clothes using the "KonMari Method," and listed about 100+ items on Poshmark in a futile effort to make some quick cash.  Turns out that Poshmark is not so lucrative when you are too easy and accept $4 offers.  After they take out the shipping and fees I am left with a whopping $0.55!  A few more of those and I can get myself a nice box of Cracker Jacks at the local Dollar Tree!

Puzzle Accomplishments

This doesn't really need it's own section because it is pretty self explanatory, but I just want everyone to know that I did four four days. *pats self on back*  Funny enough, I actually injured by lower back from being hunched over the coffee table for a week.  Getting old sucks.

Wifely Accomplishments
I have had limited groceries, but plenty of time, so I have been pretty adventurous in the cooking department this month!  I won't lie, I am SUPER-DE-DUPER over cleaning all the time, so after the first couple of weeks of wiping counters 10x a day, I went back to sitting around like I normally do.  Hm, I thought this section would be longer.  Oopsie.  Sorry, not sorry, Matt! *insert shrugging emoji.*

I had totally intended to use this time off way more wisely.  I envisioned my day would be more like this...
8:00 - Cook healthy breakfast
9:00 - Exercise
10:00 - Daily devotional
11:00 - Shower and get ready
12:30 - Cook healthy lunch
1:30 - Clean house
3:00 - Run errands
4:00 - Read and write
5:00 - Cook healthy dinner
6:00 - Greet Matt with Ozzie and a smile
7:00 - Watch TV together
9:00 - Bath with bomb
10:00 - Bedtime

INSTEAD, my day looked like this.
I am going to warn you, you can't un-see this, and it is prettttyyy pathetic.
12:00 - Wake up
1:00 - Lay in bed playing on phone
2:00 - Possibly take a shower, possibly not.
3:00 - Watch Netflix while playing on phone/doing puzzle.
5:30 - Cook dinner
6:30 - Eat dinner and watch TV. 
(Dinner conversation usually consists of me defending my decision to not shower.)
7:30 - Pack up Poshmark shipments
8:30 - Sometimes bath.
10:00 - Make snack (because I don't eat all day. I think its a "I'm not putting out any energy, so no need to fuel" kind of situation)
10:30-3:30ish - Watch Netflix until I fall asleep.

I warned you.

ENTER Rock Paper Sisters!  After repeatedly tweeting into the abyss about how pathetic my life had become (I say that because no one seemed to care based on their lack of likes and replies -_- ) finally Lindsay and Megan came to my rescue!  They needed some extra help since they are pretty freaking busy these days, and I needed something to do...also some dollhairs!  I packed up my laptop and day planner, and headed over to the RPS HQ for my first day at my exclusive position.  They keep laughing at the fact that  I am calling this an "exclusive position," but I am holding firm - that is exactly what it is!  I've helped with their blogs, their social media stuff, cleaning out the studio, emails, etc.  Basically anything they need!  It's been so much fun, and a very welcome distraction from the stressful situation happening in Washington D.C, right now.  We even made our way onto WCHS's 10:00 and 11:00 news!  I do want to take just a sec to say how thankful I am that they did this for me, although it came as no surprise since they are two of the kindest, sweetest, most generous people I know.  I also would like to remind everyone of how important it is to shop small.  Support your local businesses, friends, and family because it could come full circle someday when they can support you!

I'd be lying if I didn't say it kind of feels like the hits keep on coming, but life is not going to get me down.  No sireebob!  However; I am anxious to get back to work.  On a more serious note - my heart aches for the independent contractors we hire and our customers who are suffering the consequences of the shutdown as well.  I am hopeful that an agreement will be reached soon, and we can get back to serving the people of West Virginia.

xo- Kellie


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