The Shutdown Life

BUT I will share a few things have accomplished with my time off.
Netflix Accomplishments
Finally Finished/Caught up on - The Fosters, Fuller House, Grey's Anatomy, and Queer Eye.
Watched - YOU (VERY GOOD! Although, I must say, I am with Penn Badgley on this - the fact that people are super turned on by his character is just a tad creepy!)
Schitt's Creek - MUST WATCH. SO funny. David is my spirit animal!
FYRE - This is a documentary about the infamous FYRE Festival that turned out to be a huge scam.
Schitt's Creek - MUST WATCH. SO funny. David is my spirit animal!
FYRE - This is a documentary about the infamous FYRE Festival that turned out to be a huge scam.
Re-watched - Thor Ragnarok, Black Panther, Guardians of the Galaxy 2, and Avengers Infinity War. Actually, I watched Infinity War like 3 times, but who's counting?
I'm not going to list everything, but just know, a lot of Netflixing occurred.
I'm not going to list everything, but just know, a lot of Netflixing occurred.
And last, but not least, Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, which brings me to my next accomplishment.
Cleaning/Organizing Accomplishments
After watching Tidying Up, I did what most people did - ruthlessly cleaned out my entire house. My pantry, my closet, my drawers, my bathroom cabinets, everything. I kept saying "Clearance sale, everything must go!" in my best Grinch voice, but Matt never got it. That, or he just didn't think it was funny. As a result of my ruthless cleaning, I finally unpacked every last box from our move, took about 25 boxes/bags to the dumpster, re-folded all of our clothes using the "KonMari Method," and listed about 100+ items on Poshmark in a futile effort to make some quick cash. Turns out that Poshmark is not so lucrative when you are too easy and accept $4 offers. After they take out the shipping and fees I am left with a whopping $0.55! A few more of those and I can get myself a nice box of Cracker Jacks at the local Dollar Tree!
Puzzle Accomplishments
This doesn't really need it's own section because it is pretty self explanatory, but I just want everyone to know that I did four four days. *pats self on back* Funny enough, I actually injured by lower back from being hunched over the coffee table for a week. Getting old sucks.
Wifely Accomplishments
I have had limited groceries, but plenty of time, so I have been pretty adventurous in the cooking department this month! I won't lie, I am SUPER-DE-DUPER over cleaning all the time, so after the first couple of weeks of wiping counters 10x a day, I went back to sitting around like I normally do. Hm, I thought this section would be longer. Oopsie. Sorry, not sorry, Matt! *insert shrugging emoji.*
I had totally intended to use this time off way more wisely. I envisioned my day would be more like this...
8:00 - Cook healthy breakfast
9:00 - Exercise
10:00 - Daily devotional
11:00 - Shower and get ready
12:30 - Cook healthy lunch
1:30 - Clean house
3:00 - Run errands
4:00 - Read and write
5:00 - Cook healthy dinner
6:00 - Greet Matt with Ozzie and a smile
7:00 - Watch TV together
9:00 - Bath with bomb
10:00 - Bedtime
INSTEAD, my day looked like this.
I am going to warn you, you can't un-see this, and it is prettttyyy pathetic.
12:00 - Wake up
1:00 - Lay in bed playing on phone
2:00 - Possibly take a shower, possibly not.
3:00 - Watch Netflix while playing on phone/doing puzzle.
5:30 - Cook dinner
6:30 - Eat dinner and watch TV.
(Dinner conversation usually consists of me defending my decision to not shower.)
7:30 - Pack up Poshmark shipments
8:30 - Sometimes bath.
10:00 - Make snack (because I don't eat all day. I think its a "I'm not putting out any energy, so no need to fuel" kind of situation)
10:30-3:30ish - Watch Netflix until I fall asleep.
I warned you.
I'd be lying if I didn't say it kind of feels like the hits keep on coming, but life is not going to get me down. No sireebob! However; I am anxious to get back to work. On a more serious note - my heart aches for the independent contractors we hire and our customers who are suffering the consequences of the shutdown as well. I am hopeful that an agreement will be reached soon, and we can get back to serving the people of West Virginia.
xo- Kellie
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