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First things first - Kathy pointed out that I left out an integral part of the "busted chemo bag" story - the part that makes us not look so stupid!  We had been painting, and Matt asked if the white stuff on the bag was paint! It did look like it could be paint, SO THAT IS WHY WE WERE TOUCHING AND SMELLING IT!  It was all such a blur that she had to remind me we weren't THAT stupid!
ANYWHO.  That leads me to what I wanted to talk about!  Why were we painting, you ask?  Well, that's because we are bunking with the in-laws for awhile!  We (and by "we" I mean Kathy, Jon, Matt's Aunt Laura, Matt's brothers, and Matt's cousins - Katie, Sam, and Jacob) spent an entire weekend removing wallpaper and painting our new bedroom.  Meanwhile, I spent the entire week and weekend at our townhouse with my parents packing boxes and moving things into our storage unit (generously provided by Noffsinger Mini-Storage) with all of my brother-in-laws, including Charles!  We can't thank them enough for dropping everything to help us move.  A very un-fun way to spend the weekend indeed!
Some of you know we have been wanting to move into a new house for over a year now, although it feels much longer.  Timehop keeps reminding me that this time last year we were in the middle of buying and selling, but it just didn't work out.  We were also trying to buy and sell again when we found out about Matt's cancer.  In fact, the sellers were the first non-family to know about it because I had to call from the hospital and explain why we had to back out on buying the house.  God was probably saying "good grief, why didn't y'all just listen to me the first time!? I said not now!"
We heard "everything happens for a reason" about 10 bazillion times throughout the house buying/selling process, and as it turns out, our reason was a good one!  I think about how upset I felt the first time we didn't get the house we wanted.  I was crushed.  I cried and prayed, but nothing happened.  I was deeply hurt that God wasn't answering my prayers about the house situation, but He was taking care of us the whole time.  A nice reminder that God's plan is always better than ours.
Matt is getting his second dose of chemotherapy as I type, so say an extra prayer this morning that things go smoothly.  Kathy went with him this time, so she will keep an eye on things! ;)  Keep praying for minimal side effects, that his cancer will respond to the treatment, and pray for the rest of us fighting this battle with him.  It's not particularly easy on any of us.  We love and appreciate you all so much!
Oh, and we have been receiving more mail than our usual bills and Kroger coupons (which is so so so kind and awesome!!!) so shoot me a Facebook message if you want our new address! :)


  1. Kelly and Matt, I am praying for the Lords guidance and will for you. You are so right, we think we know better than God what we need. He is holding you and helping you, guiding you, and giving you exactly what you need. I hope you know how much you are both loved. You've got this with Gods help. Please let me know if I can do anything from here.

    1. Denise, you are so sweet to us! Thank you so much! <3


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