Excitement Overload

You guys...I can barely contain the excitement. I felt I had to blog just to work some of it out of my system.
I am currently laying outside with Ozzie trying to soak up some sun in preparation for our honeymoon trip. We will be heading to the Secrets Maroma Beach all-inclusive resort next week, and we could not be more excited! Although, I do have a feeling that that sun in Mexico is going to fry us! Oh well!
I cannot believe our wedding is less than a week away. I've spent so many months planning it that part of me can't believe that the day actually exists and is here. Also, since I've had so many months to plan, there's nothing left to do! That's kinda awesome, but also kinda driving me crazy! I feel like I should be running around like a hairspray model in a candle shop, but instead I am lounging by the pool and taking naps! I keep asking people to tell me what I'm missing or overlooking because it just doesn't seem right! But I'm not complaining, and I'm definitely ready to kick back and enjoy our wedding week.
Helen came over and helped me clear a path through my house last week. The amount of boxes from things I've ordered and gifts were just overwhelming. I didn't know where to begin. She helped me sort though things and find homes for all of our new goodies! I can't wait to use all of our new kitchen gadgets, and I can't wait for Matt to move in with me so I will have someone to cook with! After all, part of the fun in cooking is sharing the meal with someone! It gets pretty boring making meals for yourself and throwing leftovers in containers never to be seen again... Until I clean out the fridge 6 weeks later and have to go through that oh so tough process of "is this container THAT good, or can I throw it away?" I always kick myself when I put leftovers in Pyrex...
My parents & future in-laws have been nothing short of amazing in helping us plan! I have completely taken over Kathy's dining room and Helen's sewing room! Kathy has been helping me with all the flowers and decor, and Helen has been focusing on making 10 bridesmaids dresses and altering my wedding gown! I feel like Brittany, Tara, and I would be somewhere curled up in fetal position with glitter up to our elbows right now if it weren't for those two!
I really can't believe how lucky I am to have found such an amazing family in the Lillys- and they've treated me like family from the very start. Matt and I had only been together for a few months before I was invited on family vacation and a shopping trip with his aunts and cousins. I've just always felt so at home with them that it never even crossed my mind how out of character that would be for some families. They have been so supportive and helpful, and we are forever grateful!
My friend, Justin, hit the nail on the head when he said "Being around all your friends and family at the same time like this doesn't happen often, so this is chance to take advantage of it." I think that's what I am most excited for - to have everyone we love in one place to celebrate one of the biggest days of our lives! Not losing sight of that is what has made wedding planning so easy and fun! At the end of the day we are going to be husband and wife, the rest is just details! 


  1. The wedding itself is really a special moment in time. The marriage, however, is what is important. There will be times when merging two lives to form a family will be challenging. When you and Matt are experiencing periods of adjustment, remember how much work went into planning your wedding and then each of you must try to put an equal amount of effort into honoring each other with love, respect, and friendship. (It also helps to pray for like-mindedness). Now you know the secret to a long and happy life together. Let the adventure begin!


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