Disney: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

A few months ago I got this bright idea that Matt and I NEEDED to go to Disney World. I was under the impression that we had won a free 3 day weekend at a hotel from one of the bridal expos I had attended, only to find out it was only valid Sunday-Wednesday, we had to pay a $100 nonrefundable deposit, and could only choose from 3 really sketchy hotels. So mad. Anyways, where there is a will, there's a way! Yay for Christmas, graduation, and birthday gifts!! I had only been to the Magic Kingdom, and the last time was when I was about 8 years old, so Matt insisted we get park hopper tickets and go to all of the parks! I didn't object! ;)

Our first attempt at flying to Florida was ruined by like--20 feet of snow! Ugh.  We rescheduled the trip for the following weekend, no big deal! That weekend came, and we got to the airport only to discover we had a 2 hour delay. We both signed up for text alerts, but neither of us received an alert. A little peeved, but no biggie! We settled in, and shared headphones while watching the new season of New Girl on Netflix as we waited. A couple of hours later they announced the flight was overbooked and were offering incentives to anyone who would reschedule.  Then as our plane landed and people started to gather their things they announced that it was no longer zone boarding or assigned seating (which we paid $75 for), it was open seating! *Remember they has just announced the flight was overbooked. People rushed to the door thinking the last one wouldn't get on the plane. Absolute chaos. I, of course, was in the mindset that I dared them to tell me I wasn't getting on that plane. They would regret the day they ever met Kellie Lewis. Also, I would've called Helen and Kathy.  Then they'd REALLY be sorry! ;)

Anywho, the plane took off around 7:15 (we were supposed to be in Florida at 6:00). We enjoyed a cocktail on the plane, and thought that it was smooth sailing from then on.  Nope.  We go to pick up our rental car, and the place is a disasterrrrr!  By 10:15ish we finally had our car and began the 45 min drive to our hotel. By this time we were both very, and I mean very HANGRY.  Also just exhausted.  The passive aggressive comments were at an all time high on my end, and Matt was about to lose it!  Bless his heart.  I imagine it's hard being engaged to me. :D By the time we checked in the hotel the only place open was UNOs. We were so tired and hungry we didn't even care.  So we shared a pizza, and made it to bed around 1:00a.m.

We were up and at'em at 6:30 the next morning, and we were off to the Animal Kingdom!  After getting our badges, we started our two day-jam packed Disney vaca!  We had heard that you should always go left when you walk into a Disney park, and that information was totally correct! We got on the animal safari ride with no wait at all and saw just about every animal they have! By the time we got off the ride, the wait was 70 minutes! We rode Expedition Everest, and the dinosaur ride, and saw a few characters.  By then we were famished, so we ate lunch at the Rainforest Cafe, and managed to conquer the Animal Kingdom by 1:00!

Next, we were off to Hollywood Studios! I was too chicken to ride the big rides, so we did a lot of the slow-moving animated rides.  Wehh, wehhh.  We did however met Darth Vader!  He kept trying to elbow me out of the picture, hence my face!  Matt was like a kid in a candy store with all of the Star Wars stuff! BUT we were losing daylight, so we decided to make our way to the Magic Kingdom!

By the time we got there we were losing steam!  We rode "It's a Small World" just to rest! Then we shared a funnel cake and watched the light parade and fireworks!  I won't lie, it was super magical! Since it was nighttime, we decided it was a good time to ride "the football helmets" AKA the Haunted Mansion. When I was little I LOVED that ride and asked to ride "the football helmets" over and over, but it took all day for my parents to figure out what I was talking about. You have to admit, they do look like football helmets!!

We decided that we had enough magic for the day, and it was time to leave.  Unfortunately everyone else had the same idea. We got in line for the shuttle and waited...and waited...and waited. Our feet hurt SO BAD. The blisters, oh the blisters. After a couple of hours we finally made it back to the car, went to the hotel and CRASHED.
The next morning we had reservations at Be Our Guest for breakfast, so we were up even earlier!  At this point we were running on pure Disney adrenaline! I must say, the breakfast was a huge letdown. It was not magical at all. We ordered at a kiosk, seated ourselves at the only table we could find in the back corner, had to get our own drinks from a fountain.  On top of that we paid over $50 for glorified donuts and fruit! Not worth it. I'm not sure what the lunch and dinner is like, but breakfast was not what I had hoped. Matt took it upon himself to get us fast passes for rides, so I had no choice but to ride them.  So sneaky. BUT I'm so glad he did because they were all super fun! I loved all the "Mountain" rides! After spending most of the day on the rides in the Magic Kingdom I had worked up enough courage to ride the Rockin' Rollercoaster! SO we headed back Hollywood Studios, and after a long wait in line we got into the area where you get on the ride.  That's when I saw it take off...anddddd I started to panic. After almost hyperventilating, Matt convinces me to get on the ride...and I loved it!  Matt couldn't convince me to do the Tower of Terror this time. Not my cup of tea.  Maybe next time!

Our last stop was Epcot! I LOVED all the counties, and the Racetrack ride was one of my favorites!  Matt made us dinner reservations at the Coral Reef restaurant (it was on the Disney Boy Meets World episode lol) and it was by far the most delicious food, and best dining experience of my entire life! The food was incredible, the waitress was perfect, and the sharks and sea turtles swimming around was just awesome! We had planned on going back to the Magic Kingdom after we ate, but we were just SO EXHAUSTED that we just couldn't do it. Our feet and legs were making us miserable. Also, we had to be up at 4:00a.m. to catch our flight back to WV! So we went back to the hotel and didn't move until the alarm went off at 4:00!

All in all, it was a fantastic trip, and we had SO MUCH FUN! We have been saying since we got back that we are ready to go again! But next time we will allow for more than 2 days! 


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