It's been real, 2014! Helllloooo 2015!

I'm a planner. Anyone who knows me knows that I like to act like I can just go with the flow, but that is not the case. If you REALLY know me, you know that if there is no plan, I am not okay. I like to be in charge, and it is really hard for me to just let things fall into place. I can't help myself. I like lists. I like schedules. I like order. I like organization. So the fact that I can't make a plan right now is really throwing me. Here are some ideas I've been tossing around...
I've given a lot of thought to going back to school and getting my MBA, but the more I look into it, the more overwhelming it becomes. I have no desire to even fill out the application, so I am certainly not ready to do the work required to obtain that piece of paper! I know for my current career it's not really worth the time, money, or effort, but if I wanted to leave the federal government it could come in handy. I will continue to think about it, but, honestly, I LOVE not being in school. I don't know if I will ever be able to make myself go back!
If you don't already know, I love cheerleading! Now that I no longer have Zumba classes to teach, I am considering looking into some coaching jobs. (Middle or High School! Not little league!) I wasn't the best cheerleader ever, but I loved it! I think that loving a sport can sometimes get you just as far as natural ability. It makes you work harder because you WANT to. The only problem with coaching is that my job requires me to travel sometimes, and I have to work late on occasion, so I don't have the flexibility that teachers have when it comes to coaching. Bummer. BUT I'm thinking that I could be an assistant coach, as long as the head coach would be okay with me being there when I can. Keep your eyes and ears peeled for an opening!
Of course I will be "up in the gym, jus' workin' on my fitness." I don't know how this whole -not teaching Zumba classes- thing is going to play out. Will it give me more freedom with my workouts, or will it completely throw my motivation and ruin the structure I have had for so many years? Luckily some of my best friends are Zumba instructors, so I can pop in their classes to get my Zumba fix when I need to! I plan to keep up with my running, but for much shorter distances. I'm sticking to 5ks! I did the 10k and the half, and I'm glad I can say I did it, but I have no desire to ever do it again...EVER. I'll come up with some type of schedule...then I'll make a spreadsheet...and then I will color code it...then post it everywhere...and then I will probably take a picture of it and text it to Megan, Sarah, Brandy, and Korri so they can keep me in line and make sure I do it! "It's the circleeeee of (Kellie's) lifeeeeeeeee." ;)
One thing I definitely plan to do is unplug just a little. I am getting to the point that I HATE Facebook because of all of the stupid/mean/annoying posts that fill my timeline. I am at a point in my life that I don't care about being Facebook friends with everyone I have ever met. That was college Kellie. Now, I just need to be friends with people on social media that I would actually speak to if I saw them in public. I also plan to just take a step back. I don't need to see every single thing that is posted. I'll survive. Don't worry, I will still "like" EVERYTHING that "my people" post. ;)
I know a lot of people tend to get all bent out of shape around this time of year with people making resolutions and not sticking to them - and I totallllllyyyy get that it's annoying - but it's really none of our business. I think it is totally healthy to set goals and challenge yourself, especially at the start of a new year! I love the feeling of a fresh start and a blank canvas in front of me. So, instead of complaining about the gym parking lot being full, let's encourage the people who plan to get healthy, quit smoking, find a new job, go to church, or whatever it may be. Help them succeed. And if they don't, at least they tried.
This year I plan to...
1. Run a 5k in 30 minutes or less. My current PR is 32.04.
2. Make a cleaning chart and stick to it. I hate cleaning. Always have, always will. I think it will be less of a punishment if I break it up and do a little each day. Yes, I am 25 years old, and I need a chore board.
3. Write more. Not necessarily blog, but just write. I mentioned before that my Aunt Ann let me borrow one of my Grammie's journals and it has been so cool to read! So, I am going to start journaling!
4. Be healthier in general. Focus on exercising daily, eating more nutritional and organic foods, using more organic products, and be more intentional about taking care of myself.
Let me know some of your resolutions for 2015! If you haven't already, make a list! Don't let a slip up keep you from meeting your goal. If you fall off the wagon, get back on it!
Happy New Year! Make 2015 fabulous! :)
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