10 Worst Shoe Trends (of my time)

To quote Forrest Gump, "Momma always says there's an awful lot you could tell about a person by their shoes..." How incredibly accurate!  I love shoes.  I love weird shoes.  I've rocked some interesting footwear in my day, and I absolutely encourage others to do the same!  BUT I wear them because I like them, not because they are what everyone else is wearing. I think there is a huge difference in wearing a shoe because it speaks to you VS. wearing the shoe because it is a trend you feel like you should follow. 
Now, I know some of you reading this post may own a pair or two of shoes on my list, so I say this with love - it's time to retire them.  AND DON'T YOU GIVE ME THE "IT'S COMFORTABLE" LINE.  I will tell you right now,  I don't care. I don't want to hear it! I am on my feet A LOT, so I know that there are cute, affordable shoes that are very comfortable! Again, I say that with love.  I'm always looking out for what's best for you! ;) 
10.  Platform Sandals 
If you must wear a shoe made of foam, just wear regular flip flops!
Don't walk around looking like you have bricks strapped to your feet.
Do you REALLY need that extra height, Frankenstein?
9.  Sketchers Casual Dress Shoes
If you sound like a herd of cattle walking down the hallway, your shoes probably look like these.
If you can use the word "clunky" to describe your shoe, I beg you to reconsider!

8.  Jellies
Let's be honest.  These are not cute or comfortable.
We all had blisters on our heels and toes every summer from these babies.
I mean, they are made of plastic.  What did we expect?
7.  Pretty much anything made by Birkenstock
Barf.  I loathe Birkenstock sandals and clogs. Especially because of the price!
WHY would you pay upwards of $60 for them!? I don't understand! 
6.  Heelys
I remember seeing kids wearing these in elementary and middle school
and thinking, "Ugh, I'd like to see them faceplant." (Sorry, but it's true.)
Watching and hearing kids run and slide, then run and slide, again and again...
You can only take so much.  Not to mention they look like orthopedic shoes.
5.  Clogs
Again, clunky is never good in my book.
I just don't understand the appeal of the clog.
I understand that they slip on, but so do a lot of other shoes.
4.  Shape-Ups
Ohhh, the shape up! The shoe that was going to cure obesity, one step at a time!
I think they actually did studies that found that they were completely
ineffective and terrible for your feet.  So, basially everyone was walking around
in what look like teeter totters for no reason whatsoever.
...see what I mean? #feetertotters #ikillmyself

3.  High Heeled Timberland Boots
No further comment.
2.  Ugg Boots
I could go on for days about these.  Uggly.
I don't understand paying such a large amount of money for a glorified furry slipper.
Just because Tom Brady has them, doesn't make them cute!
Yeah, I said it.
1.  Crocs
It's no secret that I think Crocs are the worst shoe to ever walk the planet.
If you're in the medical profession, FINE.
If you insist on wearing them as slippers, okay.
Sadly, I know many people who have succumb to the croc's power of comfort.
I will continue to pray for them. ;)


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