The busiest lazy weekend

This weekend was the first in a long time that I didn't have a million places to be, a million people to see, and a million things to do.  Naturally I had to ruin what could've been a peaceful weekend by packing it with "list" things! Matt was thrilled.

I started my Friday off with a family breakfast at Bob Evans, which hasn't happened in YEARS. During that time I managed to talk Helen into going to the Putnam County Animal Shelter to volunteer and walk dogs! If you've never been, I will warn you, it's a little overwhelming! There are many dogs that need love and attention, and only one of you! Some energetic pups dragged Helen and me along down the path, and others were scared stiff! By the time we were finished we were covered in dirt, sweat, and well, I'll let you guess what else!  I know I can't save them all, but it feels good to know I was able to make them happy for even just 30 minutes! Helen and I were a little worried about one dog getting the veterinary care he needed. Well, I happened to be at the vet with Ozzie Saturday afternoon, and a family with two kids came in with that same dog getting him all checked out! I WAS SO EXCITED! The kids loved all over him and he didn't even care that he was in pain because he had a family! I could've cried right there in the waiting room!  So, PLEASE ADOPT! There are so many wonderful dogs that need loving homes! Entirely too many of those cards on the kennels read "Owner Surrender."  I will never EVER understand...

Next I stopped by Strand Salon to see my girl, Mary, and get a root and run!  The R&R is the best!  They put the color on and let you go home and wash it out! Sooooo convenient! Then, I decided to try Nails by Tammy a couple doors down from Strand.  Let me tell you, my nails have never looked so good! All y'all nail people, try it out!

Now that I had my hair and nails done, I was ready for the big camping trip! ;)  Beth really outdid herself!! We had a huge tent, a hammock, tiki torches, and a pretty amazing tribal council circle! ;) Tara, Beth, Jess, and I roasted weenies, made s'mores, told stories, and laughed until almost 2:00a.m. Things were going fabulous! was time to go to sleep. As we laid in the tent I became increasingly more aware of every single noise outside of the tent! Palmer guarded the tent, growling and barking off any unwanted company throughout the night. Unfortunately, I woke up feeling super ill around 3:00am. So yes, camping literally makes me sick. Needless to say, I didn't sleep a wink! I think that was my first and last camping trip.

The camping trip was over very early Saturday morning, and after a quick nap, I started my day with some sweet, smiley girls at Zumba Kids! I had originally planned to go to Camden Park with Matt, but Ozzie needed a trip to the vet (as I mentioned earlier, and I will spare you the details on that).  After the vet trip I was still having what I call my "camping hangover" from lack of sleep and lots of junk food, so most of Saturday was spent sleeping on Matt's couch. Oopsie!

Sunday was another early day, as they usually are! Our Marshall Half Marathon training is underway! 7.5 miles and all before 10:00! We are about a month away, and getting excited to run it...Or excited to get it over with! The answer you get depends on whether you're talking to me or Sarah! ;)

My 25 Before 25 to-do list is shrinking each week! Only 5 left! This is good because my birthday is fast approaching! I've realized a couple of them won't be completed by my birthday, but that's okay! The point of the list is to do them, AND I WILL. I have to brag on my friends and family because they have been so supportive and helpful in getting this list completed! I absolutely couldn't do it without them!



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