Thank God for Helen stories and answered prayers!

I realize it has been awhile since my last post, and for that, I apologize.  I have been incredibly busy.  (That's an understatement.)  The first week of August was spent in Emerald Isle, NC with Matt's family!  We ate tons of delicious seafood, shopped, and of course, spent plenty of time in the sun and sand!  When I returned from vacation, I was smacked in the face with the reminder that my pageant was just two weeks away! AHHHH!
Let me just start by saying, nothing about preparing for a pageant is easy.  NOTH-ING.  The "to-do" list is incredible.  Gowns, make-up, hair, walking, standing, posing, interview, shoes, jewelry, nails, tan, and then my most important task - to eat right and workout.  I have so much respect for the girls who do this on the reg! So much hard work and effort goes into competing!  Not to mention, my poor little feet couldn't take much more in those heels!

Being new to the pageant world, I wanted to be completely prepared (although there is no way you could be!)  First, I enlisted the help of one of my best friends, and former Mrs. WV International, Sarah Brown.  She knows all!  I absolutely could not have done this without her!  I got back on track with my Isagenix nutritional cleansing and added some workouts to my routine.  A couple of months ago Megan wanted to try a lunchtime TRX class, and now we are both hooked! So, the past two weeks were spent Zumbaing. Tabataing, Yogaing, TRXing, Running, Lifting, etc!  My social calendar went out the window.  If you weren't in one of my fitness classes, we probably didn't see each other!

Fast forward to pageant day...
Interview Outfit
I woke up feeling SO nervous, which is SO not me! I couldn't even think about eating!  I think it was a "I'm clueless and new and everyone else has been doing these forever" kind of nervous!  We arrived, registered, settled in, and went to orientation.  Immediately after orientation, we went back and started preparing for interviews!  Now, I've done plenty of interviews, and even placed in FBLA states in the interview competition, so I know I can do it.  I'm almost embarrassed to admit that I was freaking out in my head so badly that I was about to work up a cry. Ridiculous! I texted my mom and asked her to pray to calm my nerves, and she of course texted other people and asked them to do the same. As I was waiting to go in (praying for everything I could think of that would help me) it hit me that I was being so silly. I don't know why I would ever be nervous about talking about me? I love talking about me! Who knows me better than me?  To my surprise the judges were actual people, not monsters trying to get me! They were very friendly and I felt completely at ease.  They asked me about my job, my community service, my favorite song, and so on.  THEN they asked me about Life with Helen!  I could've talked about it all day!  When my time was up they were still laughing! Thank God for Helen stories and answered prayers!
Sense of Style Outfit
Next, it was time for the big show! I stood backstage and prayed and prayed, and prayed some more! Walking out on stage for the first time with the lights and music was terrifying and exhilarating all at the same time!  I couldn't see anything but bright lights and a microphone.  As soon as I introduced myself, I heard my family screaming and I immediately felt better! I met Sarah in the hallway to head back to the dressing room after my "sense of style" walk, and she was absolutely ecstatic!

I was relieved and feeling better about walking in my evening gown! Sarah laced me up and gave me a pep talk, then it was up to me! I wouldn't see her until after the crowning!  I waited backstage and chatted with the girls about various pageant things that I know nothing about.  It somewhat helped to get my mind off of what I was about to do!

As I stepped out in my blue gown, a million thoughts were running through my head! "Smile, walk slowly, move your arms, suck in, shoulders back, eye contact, Ouh I love this song, just keep smiling, just keep smiling, smiling, smiling..." I wish I could say I was relieved when that part was over, but the toughest part of the competition was still to come.

On-stage question.

Dun dun dunnnnnn!

I definitely wasn't the only one backstage who was nervous about this part of the competition because everyone was sweating bullets! We had no idea what the question would be until we walked out on stage and drew it from a fishbowl!  I took a deep breath, walked out, chose my question, and waited anxiously as she read the words, "What is your favorite childhood memory?"  I shuffled through some blog posts in my head as quickly as possible and decided to tell The Scrubby Bubbles story. Yes ma'am, I did!! I think the audience and judges loved it (or it could've just been my family cheering? I'm not quite sure!)
They must have liked something because a few minutes later, this happened!!!
I am so honored and excited that I was chosen to be Ms. Bridge Day 2014!! I am looking forward to a fun year! I hope to meet tons of new people and experience tons of new things!
This completely exceeded my expectations! My "25 before 25" goal was just to compete, not win! I am so thankful to Sarah for helping me, to family and sisters for coming to support me, to Megan for taking my picture and helping me win Most Photogenic, and most of all to God because he truly helped me put my best foot forward on that very long Saturday!  He had to listen to me all day!

I am absolutely overwhelmed with all of the good luck's, congratulations, and support I have received from everyone via text and social media! I have to say that competing on this pageant was a wonderful experience! It was not at all what they make it out to be in movies and on TV! The girls were encouraging and friendly, and I never once felt uneasy about leaving my evening gown unattended in the dressing room! ;)  I met some beautiful, fun, fabulous girls, and I can't wait to spend the next year getting to know them better!

My new friend, Amber!
We had so much fun!
Cannot thank this girl enough!
He's a good boyfriend! My pageant trumped a Fantasy draft! ;)
One of my favorite people in the whole wide world!
Helen and Jeff! They're the best!
All of the Bridge Day girls
My AMAZING cheering section!

The sign Beth made! #obvichoice.. So funny!
My amazing, beautiful, awesome sisters!

And finally eating for the first time all day!! (I was too nervous to eat! lol)


  1. Kellie. I am not at all surprised by your win, your charisma, joy, and beauty are contagious and I am blessed to know you. You can do absolutely anything you set your mind to and when it comes to a beauty pageant they don't come more beautiful than you, lady. Your heart is even more gorg than your face.. and that makes you unbeatable. You're incredible. Marvelous. Extraordinary. Congratulations!!

    1. Lauren, I feel the same about you!! I've always admired you and loved you!


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