My Running Peeves

I've been running on a regular basis since the spring. I keep myself motivated to run by signing up to compete in various 5k races in the area. I'm not an expert, and I am by no means fast or great at running, but I have only 1 rule for races - I don't care if I come in first place or last place, NO WALKING. In each race I run, I encounter a new Running Peeve. I've learned that no matter the race, location, or cause, there are always going to be "those people." 1. Those people who hop around at the starting line and stretch their necks side to side as if they are about to exert some major energy. The gun sounds and they take off in a...brisk walk. 2. Those people who take off as fast as they can go after the gun sounds...that you pass at .25 miles as they are staggering around, gasping for air with their hands on top of their heads. 3. Those people who wear silly sunglasses or hats, tutus, and tall socks. I just think they are only...