I've been on a Netflix documentary kick. Sometimes I think Matt gets a little creeped out by my watching documentaries like Russia's Toughest Prisons and Auschwitz: Inside the Nazi State. I can't help it! I just think things like that are extremely interesting! I think he probably sleeps better now knowing that I have moved on to watching some food documentaries, and while some parts are hard to watch, they are really eye opening! If you have access to any of these documentaries, I suggest watching some or all of the following:
Food, Inc., Forks over Knives, Vegucated, Sick, Fat, and Nearly Dead, and several others I haven't gotten to yet!.

I like to tease some of my friends about being crunchy, but after watching these documentaries, I really think they're onto something! I don't know a lot about being crunchy, but I want to learn more and share! SO, to write this blog, I enlisted the help of some of my crunchiest friends, Megan Hannah, Sarah Brown, and Kelsey Lewis! I asked them to share some of their favorite crunchy products, and this is what they said...

Coconut oil. Specifically, extra virgin, unrefined, cold pressed, organic coconut oil! I, too, like and use this product quite a bit! I am sort of amazed at all of the different uses for coconut oil! It can be used for cooking, cleaning, chapstick, body lotion, shaving cream, diaper cream, conditioner, sunburn relief, YOU NAME IT. When I drank coffee, pre-Isagenix days, I absolutely HAD to have cream and sugar. I tried coconut oil in my coffee once and was hooked! If that doesn't work for you, Sarah suggested Organic Valley French Vanilla coffee creamer! This brand has no artificial sweeteners and its non-GMO!

Megan's super cute baby, Parker, gets only the best of the best when it comes to food. Megan swears by the book, Real Smart Baby Food. She makes all of his food, freezes it, and then thaws it as she needs it. When she doesn't have time to thaw his food, or if she is on the go, she likes Plum Organics baby food, which is verified organic, non-GMO, unsweetened, unsalted, no artificial ingredients, and BPA free packaging!

You don't need me to tell you how bad the tanning bed is for your skin, but I will say it - The tanning bed is bad for your skin! Seriously, opt for natural sunlight or a spray tan! Sarah will hook you up! If you just don't have time to get to an appointment, try some Nature's Gate sunless tanner! I am VERY white, so if I want to look human, I use self-tanner. I used it this weekend and it worked like a charm. I'm not orange or streaky, and I think it looks very natural!

I've heard about the dangers of deodorant for years. I don't know if it causes cancer or not, but I am willing to try a safer alternative! Sarah loves Scratch Mom Deo! As much as that girl exercises, if she says it works, IT WORKS. My friend, Kelsey, also recommends Pit Putty or Rock Crystal!
Kelsey has done a lot of research on the products her family uses, and one of their favorite brands is The Spirit Goat. They order the Drawing Salve and bug spray from their website! The salve is great for bug bites and stings, or rashes from things like poison ivy. She also likes the brand Annie's for food and snacks, and Badger for bug spray and sunscreen.

If you don't know, Megan is the DoTerra guru! She is happy to share her knowledge with anyone who asks! She has a concoction to cure just about anything! I once decided to make up my own concoction of various citrus oils mixed with epsom salt to put in my bath. I didn't know that was a no-no! After about 5 minutes I started to feel a burn and looked down to find my legs covered in red blotches! I tried to shower and wipe it off, but nothing worked. I thought my skin was going to burn right off, not to mention other places! Yikes! I had to call for help! Megan said to rub coconut oil on my legs and I was cured instantly! PHEW! I could've kissed her on the mouth! Now I ask before I mix such concoctions! Also, I should add that they were not the DoTerra brand! The oils pictured are just some of her favorites! Serious biznazz! Oils can be used for cooking, cleaning, allergies, sleep, colds and sinuses, mood enhancement, ear infections, cradle cap, teething, heartburn, digestion, muscle and joint pain, etc. etc. etc.!
Okay, the more I write, the more I realize that it would take months to go through all of the different things you can do or buy to be more health conscious! One thing I really held onto from the documentaries I watched is that it is especially important that we know where our food is coming from. I am making an effort to purchase organic fruits and vegetables from local farmers, and be mindful of the meat I am purchasing. )Although after watching some of the documentaries I listed above, I would like to be a vegetarian! Baby steps!) I am starting to shop more at HealthSmart in Teays Valley, Healthy Life Market, and of course, the crunchy section of Kroger. These are some keywords to look for while you're shopping...
A lot of labels will say "All Natural," but this diagram shows what that really means. Try for certified organic!
GMO = Genetically Modified Organism, so you want products that are non-GMO!
Gluten is a protein found in wheat grains. I would venture to say most processed foods contain gluten, so staying away from it is probably a good rule of thumb.
BPA is Bisphenol A, which is a chemical used to make plastic. Often food that is packaged in containers that aren't BPA-free will absorb some of that chemical, which can be harmful to digest.
I just think it's important that we are aware of what is going into our bodies! I know none of us are scientists, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to tell us that eating food loaded with chemicals and hormones is bad for us! If anyone else has some favorite products, ideas, or even different uses for things I mentioned in my blog, please share! I loved the discussion on my beauty blog a couple of weeks ago! :)
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