How to pray...
This blog has been on my heart for a few months. I can't tell you how many different times I've started and deleted it, but this Sunday, Pastor Ron said exactly what I needed to hear in order to make this blog fly! Funny how God does that, huh?
He said "Praying for yourself isn't selfish, it's critical."
Growing up in church, I was constantly listening to the old men (sorry, but it's true) pray aloud. Each time it sounded rehearsed, like a song you've heard 100 times. I found myself doing the same. Praying the same prayer over and over. One day, it dawned on me that I didn't mean what I was saying. I was wasting my breath, and was actually wasting God's time. It wasn't until a couple of years ago that I truly started talking to God. When you talk to God like a friend, he becomes a friend. I talk to him about my family, Matt, his family, my friends, work, Zumba, Ozzie, you name it! I ask him for help, strength, forgiveness, guidance, and I always thank him more than anything because I truly have more than I could ever deserve!
He said "Praying for yourself isn't selfish, it's critical."

For a while I would pray mostly for other people because I felt guilty if I asked for too many things for myself. This week, the word "critical" really caught my attention. It absolutely is critical to pray for yourself. You NEED prayer just as badly as those around you, and who knows what you're going through better than you!? Why shouldn't YOU be the one to talk to God about it?
WHAT!? *smacks forehead* I think back to that conversation from time to time, and each time I want to kick myself in the face. How stupid! I could have taken just 5 minutes to give a thoughtful answer so that they could call on God to help. Better yet, I could have picked up the phone and prayed with them! But I didn't. I acted like it was just something you should just know how to do. To be honest, I had never really given much thought to how to pray.
I pray in the car on my way to and from work, or in the shower, or before bed, or just whenever it hits me! Recently I've found that I love spending time with God while I run! I put on an upbeat Christian Pandora station, and we talk! During these times, it's easy for my mind to wonder off and start thinking "WHAT IS THAT CAR DOING!? GOOOO!!" or "Ouh, look, a squirrel!" Each time I snap back into reality and immediately think, "Please, Kellie. God has bigger fish to fry!" I've been putting some thought into it, and I am beginning to realize that I ramble on about silly things with friends, so why should I feel bad about chatting like that with God? I shouldn't! I'm not! I'm sure he can tune me out if he wants to! ;)
So, if I were asked again today, "When you pray, what do you say?" I would probably say...
Well, there is no "correct" way to pray. No right, no wrong. You can start by saying, "Our Father who art in heaven," or you can start with "Hey Jesus, it's me..." You can pray a fancy prayer, or you can just speak from the heart. Talk to him. Tell him about your day. Praise him for the ups and ask him to help you deal with the downs. It's up to you how to talk to God because that is YOUR relationship with him, and it's a relationship unlike any other. He truly loves you unconditionally, no matter what you do. He will always be there, always comfort, always show compassion, and most of all, always come through.
The hardest part of having a relationship with God, especially for us control freaks, is understanding that He is completely in control. As soon as you let go of all of your crappy plans, and realize that God's plan is perfect, you will be SUPER happy with the life he has given you. If you don't believe me, ask Him! ;)
Well, there is no "correct" way to pray. No right, no wrong. You can start by saying, "Our Father who art in heaven," or you can start with "Hey Jesus, it's me..." You can pray a fancy prayer, or you can just speak from the heart. Talk to him. Tell him about your day. Praise him for the ups and ask him to help you deal with the downs. It's up to you how to talk to God because that is YOUR relationship with him, and it's a relationship unlike any other. He truly loves you unconditionally, no matter what you do. He will always be there, always comfort, always show compassion, and most of all, always come through.
The hardest part of having a relationship with God, especially for us control freaks, is understanding that He is completely in control. As soon as you let go of all of your crappy plans, and realize that God's plan is perfect, you will be SUPER happy with the life he has given you. If you don't believe me, ask Him! ;)
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