10 things I think you should stop doing on social media.

I love social media as much as the next girl. I've had Instagram for years! Before Instagram I had Twitter. Before Twitter I had Facebook. Before Facebook I had MySpace. Before MySpace I had Xanga. You get the idea. I love looking at pictures and reading about what's happening in the lives of my friends and followers! (Well, most of you). Sometimes we "befriend" people that aren't really our "friends" because something about their life intrigues us. There is just something interesting about them, but you can't quite figure it out, so you keep them around in between your friend purging. Of course you befriend your actual friends, but I think we all have that friend that constantly posts incredibly annoying things. (I know I post a lot about Zumba, so sorry if I'm that person for you...Okay, I'm not that sorry. Sooo, I think a #sorrynotsorry is totes approp! (My friends will get that!)).

I think a look at your social media accounts can tell a lot about you. Did you recently post about an essential oils party and an article about breastfeeding? Then I probably think you're a little crunch-ity. (Yes, that's about you, Megan! :D ) Did you recently share a sad, yet moving dog video with a happy ending? Then I probably think you and I should be best friends...and I also probably need a Kleenex. I know that judgment isn't our place, but it is a natural thing we all do! Not all judgments are bad, like those I listed above aren't bad. It's just what we think! We are human. I try not to judge, but if I'm being honest, sometimes I can't help myself! When Jennifer Lawrence walks down the red carpet my brain is like a pinball in the machine, bouncing around my head with likes and dislikes!

I am about to be brutally honest. If you're easily offended in regards to your social media-ing, quit reading now! But let's be reasonable, these are just my opinions! No need to be upset! They aren't scientific, so who cares? I do plenty of annoying, nerdy, stupid things on social media! ;)

Without further ado, I will now share my "10 things I think you should stop doing on your social media accounts."

10. Bad grammar.
We all have our moments. I know I have typos! If I notice I will immediately correct it. I am by no means the grammar police! I know I don't know everything, but I am begging you, people, TRY. Learn the difference between there, their, and they're. Learn the difference between our and are. Learn how to properly use see, seen, saw, and do, did, and done correctly. Almost everyone has an iPhone these days, so use your spell check. That little, red, squiggly line is your friend! You could be a very intelligent person, but if your status says something like "We seen the mountians and are mouthes dropped open!" I am rolling my eyes at you.

9. Detailed statuses.
We don't need to know your every move throughout the day. We don't care that you went to Kroger, then to lunch with JoAnn, and had to be home in time to make chicken for dinner before you went to pick up little Jimmy from soccer practice, after picking up Cindy from dance class. You and about 1 million other moms across the country are doing the exact same thing. If you're trying to impress us with your busy schedule, you're not. If you had time to write 3 paragraphs about your day on Facebook, you're clearly not that busy. Hit up Twitter if you want to tell everyone exactly what you're doing at all times!

8. Vague statuses.
Nobody, and I mean nobody, likes a status that just says "Ugh." or "Please pray." What's wrong!? Pray for what!? If you don't plan on telling us, then don't bother with a status because people will ask. If you want people to ask, then why don't you just say it in the status, rather than making us search through 20 "what's wrong?" comments? I'm not being insensitive! It's just very annoying.

7. #Toomanyhashtags
This is really an Instagram thing more than a Twitter thing for me. On Twitter you can only hashtag so many things before you run out of characters, but on Instagram there is no limit. On Insta you can post a selfie and hashtag 30 random words that have nothing to do with the picture. People do this so that random people with the same hashtags will maybe see their picture and like it. Does it really matter if strangers like your picture? Nope, no it doesn't.

6. Political posts.
When election time rolls around, I want to throw my phone against the wall. I can't get on anything without seeing something political. I know your social media is yours to talk about whatever you want to talk about, but when everyone is talking about the same thing, all day, every single day for a year straight, it makes me crazy! Everyone has an opinion, and everyone wants to argue their point. When I voted for the first time, my Nanny told me that voting booths are private for a reason. It doesn't need to be anyone else's business who I vote for. That stuck with me. I don't have to discuss my political opinion, so I won't! This is precisely why I don't want to see yours on my newsfeed every day. It's your prerogative, but I don't like it.

5. Prego pics.
I think pregnancy is a wonderful thing! From what I hear, sometimes it isn't that fabulous, but there are some women who thoroughly enjoy it. Snaps for them! I love babies. I will say it again, I think pregnancy is wonderful and I love babies, but I hate naked maternity pictures. "Hate, hate, hate...double hate...LOATHE ENTIRELY!" Okay, now I said naked. If you are clothed, you are excused. If you want to get the nude maternity pictures done for a baby book or to hang in your nursery, you should do that. Don't post them. Please. I have absolutely no interest in seeing your half naked body being covered by only your husband’s hands and a ribbon. So awkward.

4. Selling things.
If you have a big item with some value, perhaps a car, a large appliance, a cell phone, or expensive footwear or handbags, then sell away! If you are taking bids on your Hollister t-shirts from 5 years, take it to a consignment shop, or better yet, GOODWILL!
Then there is the other type of selling things. Women love to be a part of selling the next big thing. Diet programs, make-up, handbags, whatever it may be. Now I am a little wishy washy about this, and I know it! I don't mind posts about things that I like, and if I REALLY like the person, but not the product, I can still tolerate it. If I don't like the product and don't really know the person, I want to set their whole stash of products on fire so that I no longer have to see their 100 posts a day. This is one thing that gets you hidden from my newsfeed super fast! As I said before, this isn't scientific...

3. Facebook is Facebook, and Twitter is Twitter.
Their intended purposes are very different. Do you feel the need to type and post every thought that enters your brain? You need Twitter. Twitter is designed so that your thoughts are in the moment, and then poof, gone! If you're watching WVU play basketball and want to comment on every play, referee calls, and missed shot, please do not post 25 Facebook statuses. TWEET ABOUT IT. I like to play by the "3 post rule" on Facebook. Post a status, share a picture, share an article, and then STOP. If I see your face on my timeline more than 3 different times, you are probably annoying me.

2. Save the the drama for your momma.
As Abby Lee Miller says, "Save the tears for your pillow!" Your social media account is not the place to air your dirty laundry. If you're fighting with your husband, having trouble with money, or having problems at work, do not post about it. It is very immature and unprofessional. It is also very uncomfortable for those of us forced to see it. Trust me, it won't be fun for you when your boss sees that post about his "barn door" being open all day! Also, I LOVE when these types of posts are followed by the "people need to quit talking about me" posts. You invited them to do so! If you want marital advice, have coffee with your friend, or better yet, see a therapist. I would venture to say 98% of your Facebook friends don't have a degree in counseling.

1. A Selfie a day keeps friends away.
I could really go on for days about this one. If you post a picture of yourself every few days, that is fine! It would be better if it were every few weeks, but I understand that we are all so impressed with ourselves that we must post more! I get it! If you are reasonable with the timing, I will give it the ol' thumbs up! I like selfies! However; if you take multiple selfies in one day and insist on posting them all because you just look so beautiful that you can't possibly choose just one, you need to stop. I'm going to tell you now; people are making fun of you. People are snapchatting their friends mimicking your duck face and peace sign picture. Don't say I didn't warn you. Oh, and while I'm at it, you aren't fooling anyone with your ridiculous editing on whichever app you use. You want to hide a zit? Fine! If your picture looks like a Toddlers and Tiaras headshot, you should probably address some self-esteem issues! Especially if our caption is something like "I look like crap" or "no make-up." Puh-lease. Quit fishing for complements!

So, there you have it! My top 10! I'm not going to lie; it was really hard to narrow these down! I have so many more, but I just don't feel like they're really worthy of the top 10 blog! If you have some I didn't mention, feel free to comment with them! I'd love to discuss! :)


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