Now, My Take on the Grammy Awards 2014

Let's face it. Music people are weird. Yeah, I said it. They're called artists for a reason, I suppose. The Grammy Awards are seen as a chance to express their inner musical genius, but it is done at the expense of fashion. I just don't understand how these people can look so great in day-to-day life, appearances, and shows, yet they completely bomb on the red carpet.

I like to start with my favorites and then work my way down to the bad!

My best dressed was Chrissy Teigen (Supermodel/John Legend's better half, if you don't know her.)
I thought she just looked stunning from head to toe!

Although she played it safe, as she usually does, I have to say Miranda Lambert has dropped a few lbs and is looking incredible!

As much as I hate to say it, Taylor Swift was gorgeous. I didn't know if it was possible for her to look any taller, but that dress did it!

Believe it or not, I actually loved Macklemore and Ryan Lewis' get up! I'm a sucker for bow ties and houndstooth!

My middle-of-the-road I don't hate it, but don't love it is Katy Perry. The dress didn't bother me so much as the giant fake hair piece that looks like it came from Auntie Anne's.

And now for the worst dressed.

By far, my biggest disappointment of the night was Beyoncé. Not so much the dress, I don't hate it, but I loathe her hair and make-up. When you can look like this, why would you want to look like that? C'mon Queen B!

Oh, Pharrell, or should I say Dudley? What was that!?

You know those times when you're in such a hurry that you leave home forgetting to put on your mascara? Then it takes you half the day to figure out why your face looks so weird. Madonna looks like that...also; she might be deficient in Vitamin D from missing out on sunlight for the past 12 months.


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