God has a PR Problem

I don't know if you've noticed, but people are in the Christmas spirit wayyyy early this year! Myself included! I don't know what it is, but I like it! I'm not sure if it's the fact that we are transitioning into the holiday season or not, but it seems like I am hearing people say things about God. Some true, but mostly false. Sometimes I think people "bash" God to make themselves feel better about what's going on in their lives. Stay with me. It's like if you buy a new phone, and your friend gets a better phone, so you talk it down to make you feel better about yours. Does that make sense? No? Okay, well it does to me. Back to what I was saying. It occurred to me the other day that God has a PR problem. I majored in Marketing, so I took classes that covered everything from Advertising to Accounting, so I know a little about Public Relations. In case you don't, I'll explain. In a nutshell, PR is managing the spread of information about something or someone.

I think I become more aware of God's PR problem around the holidays because people are in the giving mood. People are donating gifts, money, and time to various charities, and they feel good about it. I know I get a warm fuzzy, it's hard not to! So, I know I'm not the only person that's heard someone claim they're a good person and they do good deeds, so they're going to Heaven. Or maybe they say or do something that's not so good and say "I'm going to Hell." Sometimes it's just a joke, but you have to consider the source and realize that it may not be. The fact of the matter is, the belief that good or bad deeds determine whether or not you will get to Heaven is entirely false. I want to try to help with this PR problem, so here are some misconceptions I want to talk about.

God wants revenge.
People seem to think that God gets mad at you and wants to strike you with his lightning bolt. Zeus and God are not the same. God loves you. Period. He is there for you, and he will always forgive you. He wants you to talk to him about what's going on in your life, good or bad. He is there to help, not hurt or punish you.

God only loves Christians.
I can't tell you how many times I've heard how hypocritical Christians are. Newsflash: If you go to church, that doesn't mean that you are in any way, shape, or form perfect. Christians are still humans, which means we still make plenty of mistakes.

God isn't cool.
Being a Christian isn't cool? I'm sorry, but do you realize that God is probably the coolest ever? Millions of people are dying to be at his feet. I'd say that would win a popularity contest. Don't you think?

God isn't real.
You can't see or hear him, so he can't be real. I can't see or hear gravity, but it's there. How do I know? Because I am not floating around all willy-nilly(that's a Helenism). When you accept God into your life, you can feel it. Just like gravity, he keeps you grounded.

God doesn't want you to have fun.
I have tons of fun in my life. I know plenty of Christians that do. Not all fun is bad. This can be a little sticky depending on what your idea of "fun" is, but in general, God loves fun. I'm sure God is fun and funny. I definitely believe that he has a sense of humor.

As Christians, we have to be God's PR Reps! It's our job to clear up the false rumors and spread the good stuff! I know I get caught up in life and sometimes I let things slide, and don't say anything to keep the peace, but if someone was spreading lies about your sister, best friend, parents, whoever, wouldn't you step in? God is our best friend, our heavenly father, don't you think he deserves the same? Just something to think about!


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